Smiling at the young girl, Yuki replied, "That's good. Now then, I am going to take you somewhere safe, okay?" Nodding at Flint's command, Yuki picked up the young child, carrying her on her back. The crowd was very unsupportive of their actions. [i]Tch ... Being humane, just not something very human sometimes is it?[/i] Yuki thought to herself. As she was leaving one of the men started to roar. "FUCKING LITTLE BITCH! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO US!? GET BACK HERE SO I CAN FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" As he roared the crowd went silent for a moment. The other men started to say similar things. Yuki then spoke out to the crowd, "As you can see they are alive. I didn't do anything. I just went to help a poor defenseless girl. That is all. I never touched such dangerous people." She sighed. Continuing on, she ran at the speed of a normal child, trying not to demonstrate any Cursed Child blood. This was to avoid parents from the school, or associates of her parents doing harming those close to her. Not far from Flint, she heard his cell go off. "A message? From who?" she asked, continuing on through the crowd, eventually getting out of their reach. [i]So, where do I take her? Home or to Kiri?[/i] Yuki thought. She hid out in an alley, thinking about which was the best thing to do.