Just wanted to sign on and dump my char here before I take a nap. Nice job whisket! I have a feeling Chess is going to get along fine with Noah's brother Kipper. --- [hider=Appearance][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/112/d/0/character_concept_mh_by_hokunin.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Hovercycle][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-7EIizDN8ct0/UaPGIfzUy7I/AAAAAAAAAtE/CtRGCm1N6f8/s1600/landsharkHoverbike_grey.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Noah Dulorme [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Height:[/b] 5'11 [b]Weight:[/b] 165 lbs [b]Ethnicity/Nationality:[/b] Cuban-Irish American [b]Build:[/b] Athletic [b]Personality:[/b] Gutsy, winner-takes-all-type attitude; Noah isn't the kind of person that backs down from a challenge. Adrenaline junky. Thrill seeker. Fearless. Reckless. Smartass. Those are the types of words that people often use to describe Noah, but they're merely surface level observations. In truth, Noah is more thoughtful than he plays himself out to be. He's a mediator of sorts, the guy you see trying to break up fights, opposed to starting them. And the negative connotation received from those who view him as some Outward street punk, vastly overlooks his more impressionable qualities. Noah is surprisingly quick-witted and well-learned, but the social circles he interacts with doesn't leave much for intellectual stimulation. He secretly wishes he could travel to Beacon and personally meet Dr. Qadir, just to pick his brain about his grandfather's revolutionary work in artificial intelligence. He wants to learn how Byzantium maintains its ecosystem. Understand the step-by-step process of cyberization surgery. Grasp whatever he possibly can about the science behind how the Buildmasters managed to construct an orbital space city that now provides shelter for millions. But machismo means everything in a place where people take pride in the more simpler things in life. Anything beyond the spectrum of booze, sex, motorcyles, drugs, and graviskate, is considered different. Weird. Weak. Noah doesn't want that social stigma dangling over his head, not when he has a reputation to think about. No, he'll keep his mouth shut and leave those brainy questions locked away in that cyber brain of his. Not like anyone he knew had the answers anyways. [b]Job:[/b] Warehouse Worker/Amateur Graviskate Player [b]Residency:[/b] Outward District - Little America - 6th Point Parallel [b]History:[/b] Noah Dulorme was born during the Florida riots in 2062. Despite the state of emergency mandated after the collapse of martial law, it was a beautiful day to be brought into the world. His father didn't think so; Thomas Dulorme feared for his sons lives, and he didn't want another child of his to be brought into a hellhole just to suffer. Noah's mother, Zarah Mckenzie Dulorme, slapped his father several times for thinking that way. "Stop being such a puss, Tom! He's got Cuban and Irish blood flowin through him! He'll be a tough bastard. Just like his brothers will be tough bastards." Noah is the youngest of the Dulorme sons; Arthur Dulorme is the oldest, making Kipper Dulmore the middle child. They both looked after Noah when their parents were killed. Even after 25 years, they've yet to talk about their mom and dad's passing. Some things are just better left unsaid. They lived in their house for most of Noah's childhood. Food was mostly scavenged, but sometimes the neighbors were nice enough to offer warm meals. It worked out fine, until the food was no longer edible, and starvation forced people into cannibalism. Arthur made the decision for his brothers that it was time they braced the open road. After days of aimless traveling, they eventually stumbled upon a drifter that was kind enough to escort them to a commune shelter. However, about halfway through their trek, the Dulorme brothers realized that this good Samaritan wasn't so good after all. He wanted something in return, something neither of them were willing to give up. The drifter ended up being the first person those boys killed. Noah was nine at the time. From that point on, Noah made a vow with his brothers that they weren't going to live like prey for the rest of their lives. The next several years were spent surviving the chaotic wastelands of America. Doing so, shaped each of them into toughened men. They were leaders of their own marauder gang. They lived by a code. No women, no kids. If you broke that code, they broke you. Simple as that. For a time, they were content with this lifestyle, until Noah went scouting into new territory and stumbled across a fortified outpost. Now, each Dulorme brother has their own version of how they ended up on Byzantium, but the fact of the matter is, all three of them made it onboard. Having gone through the cyberization procedure and the tutorials about the Byzantium lifestyle, they were unbelievably stoked. Each of them had their own plans, all of which included lots of money and lots of women. Unfortunately, it didn't turn out like they hoped. Neither brother was qualified to do any job in the Beacon, Residential, or Greater Downtown area. The only assignments they were suited for were the processing jobs in Crater Bay. And to top it all off, they were housed in the lowest sector in the city. The Dulorme brothers were less than thrilled about the cards they were dealt. Sure, it beats living back on earth, but the place they were staying at wasn't as glamorous as the other side of that wall. It wasn't all that dissimilar from earth either, what with all of the gang activity and street violence happening around almost every corner. The Dulorme brothers found themselves in the same situation they were in all those years ago, back when they killed that drifter and realized how the world was going to be from now on. It didn't take long for them to go back to their old ways. Arthur, Kipper, and Noah, formed up a hovercycle gang, recruiting its members from their own neighborhood in Little America. They're more like watchdogs than troublemakers, protecting their side of the block from the lunatics running loose. They called themselves "The Outward Law", and are a well known gang in the sector. [b]Other:[/b] As a peaceful means of competition against rival affiliates, Noah participates in unsanctioned Graviskate games. He is an Archer Player on his team, and has won countless matches throwing accurate baton bombs from long distances. The Outward Law Squad is currently ranked #3 in the sector. [center][b][u]NPCs[/b][/u] [/center] [hider=Arthur Dulorme] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/200/b/f/insero_character_design_3_by_guesscui-d3ixv5o.jpg[/img] [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/80/640x348_14067_Jet_Moto_2d_sci_fi_motorcycle_jetbike_hover_racer_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Arthur Dulorme [b]Info:[/b] Leader of The Outward Law, Delivery Pilot for Crater Bay [b]Relationship:[/b] Noah's oldest brother.[/hider] [hider=Kipper Dulorme][img]http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/243/0/e/perry_by_dirkloechel-d46hptb.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/259/7/1/hoverbike_by_meewtoo-d5eurmw.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Kipper Dulorme [b]Info:[/b] Second in command of The Outward Law, Waste Management Worker. [b]Relatonship:[/b] Noah's second eldest brother[/hider] [hider=Alaina Perez][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2009/352/6/0/outta_space_girl_by_Brenze.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Alaina Perez [b]Info:[/b] Crater Bay Materials Sorter [b]Relatonship:[/b] Arthur's girlfriend[/hider]