It was more resting, more relaxing for Alex, even though he itched to get up and get back to work, to hunt down Cole and deal some righteous vengeance upon him for his actions. But the medical personnel here were insistent, and fairly effective in keeping him contained within his room, where he couldn't injure himself further with the wounds he had sustained. So he was stuck, twiddling his thumbs and hoping that his coworkers had the situation under control. Not a pleasant thought. Imagine his surprise then when the door to his hospital room hissed open, and he turned his somewhat bandaged face to see Asgard, his overall superior, standing there. She walked in with a slight smile and sat down beside the bed he was resting in as she greeted him. His mind was suddenly side tracked by incomprehension, that she was here at all, especially to see him, when there wasn't anything particularly special about him, in his mind at least. He was just doing his job. He quickly recovered, and nodded to her. "Hello Ma'am," he said respectfully as he looked over to her. "It's an honor." And that it was indeed. Hopefully she wouldn't keep him wondering as to why she was here for too long.