Jinx stared at the probing knight with a large smile,"That's not answering my question." She found a spot and stood still her expression growing dark,"I don't have to touch you to kill you Mr Grey. Hell I don't even have to move through these gates. You are completely surrounded by your new guilds founding fathers and every damn one of them is willing to kill for me, just for a measly few seconds of life." Her pure white eyes glued onto his sword with amusement,"You can't stay within those walls forever." She turned silent as a whisper came from behind Lysander,"Come out from those grounds and face me in a duel. I enjoy a good spar, and it gives you an even chance to kill me. I would feel bad savagely ripping you apart.." The words came from Jinx now,"Without knowing who you are. I am not a cruel person, I don't trust the Legion as far as I can fucking throw them, and I don't believe the back story they gave me for you. That being said, I still need to pay my rent. I am giving you a chance to win, but if you stay behind there, and make me dishonor my guild, I will be very merciless." She gave him a simmering glare then let go of the bars, waiting for his answer.