It was apparent to Gladron that despite their differences, the small band was trying their best to build trust between them. It was a good start to an assignment and a good start often foretold success. If there was one thing that united them it was their mutual hate of the Thalmor but it was what also set him apart. He did not have a deep seeded hate for his kin. Though he would have no trouble killing his fellow Altmer, he did not enjoy the deed as much as putting someone else out of their misery. It was gold that kept him tied to the group and Ulfric had offered him more than he could refuse and so there he was. The Argonian that had introduced himself as Kalien offered a set of winter clothing to Gladron. It was more than the Altmer expected from him and he grinned in turn. "I appreciate the offer but I will warm up once we get moving." He declined the offer politely, "But thank you." Gladron listened to their leader's plan to stay just off the roads to avoid Imperial patrols. It would have made sense if they looked anything like Stormcloaks but the point of having such a diverse team was so they could pass by without suspicion. Though perhaps their team was too diverse and Gladron suspected Brynjar had thought of that. He nodded in understanding and pulled the straps of his sack over his shoulder. Apart from the diverse spells, knowing conjuration also left him without any weapons to be concerned about. No need to sharpen or clean steel or lug them around. It left him altogether more free to carry other essentials. Gladron chuckled at Kalien's explanation of the group. A Nord warrior and Breton mage were not uncommon but an Argonian clad in heavy, cumbersome armor, and a Altmer turned rogue were certainly out of the ordinary. With a last shiver running through his body, Gladron turned and headed toward the road to find an easy enough path for the rest of them to follow. It would be his job to scout out ahead, being the only one halfway decent in stealth.