I never got the chance to play the character in an RP, but I created a being I called Pog, a cute, adorable baby hedgehog... who'd eaten his littermates while still in the womb, then eaten his way out of his mother. Why? Because "Pog" was the Spirit of Extinction, a being whose very existence destroyed entire species. Ever wonder how the dinosaurs died out? Not because a giant rock fell from the sky and caused a "nuclear" winter, oh no. Because mother dinosaurs had their babies eaten out of their eggs, without the shells being so much as scratched. Even worse, Pog assumed not only the form of something innocent, but as HE continued to "grow"... to Mature... he would assure Extinction by becoming a "father" in place of ALL "normal" males within the doomed species. And eating his own offspring. Unfortunately, I never got a chance to develop him far enough to figure out how to put him back to sleep. Keep him dormant, until the next Extinction Awakening.