[i]Amy[/i] smiled, endearingly, at Knox's comment about her needing someone to protect her. Near them, Millie heard Victor scream something. Her eyes stayed on Knox, but her ears listened to what Victor was screaming behind her back. [i]"GET FUCKIN DROPPED BITCH"[/i] She frowned and glanced around. "Who the hell is that?" She said, making out she didnt know the voice. Turning, as if to gather who is was, Millie caught Victors eye and tried to communicate with him. [i]What the hell are you doing.[/i]. Something was going on with him, he had gone crazy. "Jesus," She turned back to Knox. "Some people just go out looking for trouble." She noted him trying to flex, and the laughter that ensued. "You're probably right," She said, laying a hand subtley on his bicep, "I could do with a little protection, but...I didn't get your name."