Octavius clearly wasn't making any progress. Indeed, the woman threatened to kill him. It would be harder than she thought, for certain, but he supposed she could probably pull it off. Probably. But then she left, and it didn't matter any more. She was leaving him behind. The pirate was not happy in the slightest, though he didn't express it. His rage was starting to boil, and he wondered if it would be enough to get him out this time. It hadn't been last time, but he hadn't been half so desperate, then. This slow-burning, desperation-fueled anger was about ready to burst, now, and the captain hoped that when it did, he would have the strength to rend steel. Otherwise he would likely be stuck down here forever. Thankfully, it did not appear to need to come to that. The door to his cage was once again occupied by the woman who had been escorted in. But now she was holding a set of keys, and had a guard's blood on her figurative hands. She asked if the offer was still standing, and set out her demands. "I'll give you a solid gold ship crewed by diamond golems if it will get me out of here, lass." he responded earnestly. He didn't have his hopes up now, though. His voice was low and gravelly, like he had no expectation of actually escaping. She seemed pretty honest about it, though. At least now that she needed his help. Even pleading for a lack of tricks. He chuckled. "I only play tricks on people if I don't know their name, or if they don't shake my hand. Deals made properly, well, those are stronger than iron. All a pirate has is his word. I give you that, lass. You get me out of here, and you can have your ship." he grinned at her, which probably wasn't the smartest idea, but he figured it would get the message across. He was still in chains, waiting for the very fickle woman nearby to make up her mind. He wondered if she was just a delusion. It made sense. He'd seen them before too. She wasn't helping her case, with all this dilly-dallying, either. "But make up your mind, woman. I've got rotting to do, if you're not going to help me. And if you are, then you're wasting perfectly good escape time." indecisive people had to be the worst. Whether the decision was right or not, what mattered was committing to it whole-heartedly. At least then no one would doubt your conviction. That was why he was so notorious. And why his chains were so heavy. The people had once understood that Captain Octavius Cuttlam went all out at every opportunity. Home was the open sea, so he was already there, leaving Big as the only option. He would teach this woman that as well, if she was around long enough...