[center]RPer:[/center] [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Frequency Online:[/b] Daily, but I try to get on when I have hours of free time, should I only have a small window, I'll usually wait a day until I can dedicate more time to posts and GMing, rather than having to start, go somewhere and come back to what I was doing. As such, I might be MIA for a day or two randomly but I try to make any announcements in my signature if life itself is being a dick and time is really scarce. [b]Favorite Ice Cream:[/b] Orange sherbet. Mmmm. [b]Occupation:[/b] Full time college girl. [b]College Major:[/b] Creative Writing [b]Any Fandoms You Enjoy:[/b] Doctor Who, Pokemon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Oban Star Racers, American Horror Story, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Orphan Black, Orange is the New Black, American Dad, Futurama, Slayers, Dot Hack, Star Trek the Next Generation, Top Gear, Marvel movies, and Naruto to name a few. [b]Writing Sample:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/4817/posts/ic?page=1#post-1082581]From my other group RP[/url] - - - [hider=Aliens] Her ship - [url=http://www.igorstshirts.com/blog/conceptships/2010/ozan_c/ozan_01.jpg]The Connection[/url] [b]Name:[/b] Qyx [b]Origin:[/b] XYD [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://cdn.trendhunterstatic.com/thumbs/tauart.jpeg]Q y x[/url] [b]4 Positive Adjectives:[/b] Curious Reflective/Thoughtful Intelligent Friendly [b]2 Negative Adjectives:[/b] Soft Spoken Blunt [b]2-3 Notable Quirks or Tendencies:[/b] She loves to read anything she can get her hands on, even if it's in a language she doesn't know or cannot translate, she pretends to understand it. She has a habit of clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth when she's anxious. She can't whistle though she claims its due to her species' evolution, even though her friends can do it fine. [b]Behind The Eyes:[/b] Her planet was modest in size but made up for being petite with its wild technological advances. The people of XYD could be fickle and arrogant because of this. They were too stuck in their ways yet somehow made progress when it came to electronics and medical advances. Hardly anyone got sick, most XYDNS were very intellectual and those who weren't, were treated with care and kindness. One might consider the planet almost a utopia of sorts. Famine and war weren't ever present on XYD. But for Qyx, she found herself bored by all the luxuries her home planet had to offer. On XYD, babies hatch from eggs and as such, there is no parental-child system in place. No one has parents. Only mothers give birth to large batches of eggs. The reptilian features were her biggest difference between Earthlings and herself. Even so, Qyx had quickly fallen in love with the blue planet two galaxies away. She started her studies at a young age and gained enough footing to be able to apply for a ship that could fly her through space and time, on the condition that her studies be the main goal. Being a trustworthy person, she was granted the space visa and ship and thus began her exploration of time and space. It took a lot of fiddling before she worked out the controls and dubbed her ship The Connection. It is as high-tech as her home planet and has many accommodations for anyone she wishes to pick up. It is voice activated and has only minimal weaponry due to her planet's lack of military strength. At one of her old companion's pleas, she did instal some light firepower a few years ago but her planet does not condone such acts, even for defense purposes. Qyx's typical day consists of flying around and trying to map out as much as she can for XYD but it is a tiresome lonely process and as such, she's happy to try and welcome a new and hopefully bigger wave of friends aboard The Connection. [/hider] - - - [hider=Humans] [b]Status:[/b] Permanent [b]Opening and Closing Post:[/b] TBA [b]First Name:[/b] Jennifer [b]Last Name:[/b] Rather [b]Born:[/b] December 3'd 1958 Walnut Creek, California (age:56) [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/32800000/Helen-Mirren-helen-mirren-32853626-2000-2020.jpg]Jen Rather[/url] [b]4 Positive Adjectives:[/b] Fearless Curious Energetic Positive [b]2 Negative Adjectives:[/b] Eccentric Gullible [b]Family:[/b] A mother named Mary and a father named Ryan. An older brother named Scott and a younger sister name Julie. No children or husband, herself. [b]Education:[/b] Masters in Physics with a concentration in Astrophysics B.A in Astronomy [b]3 Hobbies or Talents:[/b] She collects rocks. She is rather limber for a woman her age. She can juggle. [b]2 Fears:[/b] Small confined spaces and being alone. [b]A Glimpse of...[/b] Another semester had come and gone at UC Berkley and Jennifer still couldn't shake the feeling that she should be somewhere else, doing something else. Yes, she loved her students tremendously and she had acquired tenure so there wasn't much of a reason to feel as lonely as she did. Jen went on a few dates but found herself to be the sort who never could settle down and marry. Her parents had passed away five years back, due to old age and her family was spread across the world, with Scott in New York City and Julie overseas in London, Jennifer wasn't sure why she couldn't pick up and move too. A change of pace, a change of scenery might do her some good. So she packed a bag and decided a week in NYC might help wake her up a little. She called her older brother and he was happy to spend some time with her. She flew across the country and decided to spend a day wandering the park to engage herself with nature. She loved talking walks and looking around but her eyes would certainly always wander upwards at the sky. From an early age, Jennifer had always been fascinated with the universe. Jen had dreams of exploring it but having discovered her distaste for confined spaces, she resigned her dream of space travel and decided to dedicate her life to studying it and helping the field progress and expand with any knowledge she could gather on Earth. She made a name for herself as an astrophysicist who worked on a team who had discovered another spiral galaxy in the distance of space. She has done tours and lectured all over the world but she calls the bay area in California her home. But with nothing but a job keeping her tethered, she hoped the trip to New York would help give her better direction and passion. As she found herself prowling the vastness of Central Park, she found a flier and decided to stick around and see if it was a hoax or if it was real. The inner child was always bubbling towards the surface and she couldn't help but imagine the idea of it being real. Jen was rather enthusiastic for someone her age and she could sometimes prattle on and on about nothing, but she couldn't help but take the bait, something she had been dreaming about since childhood... Unearthly exploration. & & & & [b]Status:[/b] Temprary [b]Opening and Closing Post:[/b] TBA [b]First Name:[/b] Devon [b]Last Name:[/b] Lyds [b]Born:[/b] October 19'th 1989 (age: 25) London, England [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://stylegirlfriend.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/5851413523399_Khaki_l1.jpg]Devon[/url] [b]4 Positive Adjectives:[/b] Creative Inviting Charming Thoughtful [b]2 Negative Adjectives:[/b] Lazy Hot tempered [b]Family:[/b] A mother named Charlotte and a father named Miles. A new wife named Yunko. No siblings or children. [b]Education:[/b] B.A in Pastry Arts [b]3 Hobbies or Talents:[/b] Great with art, either on a canvas or cake. Good singer. He likes to collect coins. [b]2 Fears:[/b] Heights and getting sick [b]A Glimpse of...[/b] He was a Londoner, born and raised. Devon loved the city even though he complained about it nearly all the time. His parents were fairly wealthy but not exorbitantly so. It just allowed Devon to follow his passion of baking. He went to a top notch school and it was during his time in college, that he met his future wife, Yunko. She was from Kyoto, Japan and the two hit it off instantly. After only a year of knowing one another, Yunko convinced him to move back to Kyoto with her so they could start a life together. His parents weren't thrilled but still supported their son. He got married and found an apartment for he and Yunko. The first few months were a strain and Devon found himself feeling homesick. He had trouble with the language and cultural barrier and it caused the newlyweds to have a lot of fights. When she suggested they try having children, it was the final straw for the young man. The two had a huge fight, he blamed Yunko for making him move and give up a great career back in London. And she blamed him for not having a back bone to speak up sooner, the fight continued to escalate until she kicked him out. It was then at the train station that he saw a flier and decided to go to NYC on a whim. He felt like he had nothing left to lose. He phoned his mother and father and said he'd be in London in a few days but that he'd make a detour in America first. They were confused but were happy to hear his son was hopefully breaking things off with his new wife. [/hider]