[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/nmkJPIx.png[/img][/center] [center]----- Boss Fight I -----[/center] “Lena!” Ghost screamed in Kimberly’s ears after he had recovered from the Caudata’s Pestilent Breath. The giant felt like he was about to vomit, but he could only assume that the damage was not as bad as the others without helmets. He needed to wipe off whatever disgusting fluid was obstructing his vision, before he could finally see what his roommate was shrieking about. Although, based on Olivia’s request for help, Kimberly didn’t need to see to know they were in trouble. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU IMAGINARY SON OF A BITCHHHH!!!!" By the time Kimberly could finally see, Aaron was viciously attacking the humongous xenomorph, successfully freeing Olivia and Magdalena in the process. While Aaron took care of the Caudata, Kimberly ran over to the girls. “Lena!” the man frantically blabbered as his hands reached for the smaller woman and searched her body, “are you okay? Kami, please tell me you're okay.” It was obvious that the man’s mind was full of Magdalena as he did not even face Olivia. But then, as if he was an actor who had messed up his lines and the director had ordered him to do the scene over again, Kimberly did the same thing with a few changes. “Olive! Maggie! Are you alright?” This time the giant acknowledged both of them and quickly examined the girls to see the damage. “Be still.” He took each girl’s hands into his and focused. A warm light began to emit from Kimberly as the plant spirits gathered to form the colorful floral-plant arrangement around his person. The plant’s vines stretched to ---and plants traveled across Kimberly’s arms over to--- his childhood friends to begin healing. With the giant’s current skills, lack of time, and lack of sunlight, there was only so much he could heal, but it was better than nothing. Once he could heal as much as he could under the situation, Kimberly double checked his work then backed away. He only said, “okay,” before running off to the Caudata. After that attack, it was evident that the limbs were going to be a problem. He needed to rip them off. Without a moment to lose, Kimberly spirited towards the Boss’s forearms. Aaron’s blood-lust mode had the giant amphibian distracted long enough for the human giant to reach it’s left arm. Kimberly’s hands latched closely onto the base of the arm while he lifted one foot and placed it against the xenomorph’s body as the other foot trusted the earth spirits to keep it rooted to the ground. As soon as he got into position, Kimberly pulled the xenomorph’s forearm and his foot pushed against the creature’s torso. He wasn’t sure if any of it was working until he could feel the xenomorph starting to show signs of discomfort and made attempts to get Kimberly off of it. It was only when Kimberly’s ears heard the cracking of the bones and tearing of the muscles underneath when the amphibian creature was desperate to get the large human off it. It started to run around ---after Kimberly’s foot on the ground could not stay glued to the ground any longer--- swinging its arms as fast as it could to shake Kimberly away. When that failed to accomplish anything, the Caudata prepared itself for a barrel roll. [i]Ah sh*t. [/i] [hider=Summary][list] [*]Kimberly minor heals Olivia and Magdalena[/*] [*]Kimberly latches onto Boss’s left forearm and tries to rip it off[/*] [*]Boss makes several attempts to get Kimberly off its arm, which does constant (minor) damage on Kimberly[/*] [*]Boss prepares for a barrel roll [/*][/list][/hider]