[center][img]http://www.aclutteredmind.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/angel-of-light.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://s28.postimg.org/h8x1eoxa5/temp_7.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://s12.postimg.org/fasqye0xl/temp.png[/img][/center] Angels exist in this world, and, in the year 2121, progress by scientific and technological experts have created the Lovely Angelica system, a virtual reality that, with the help of brave souls the world over, would drawn in both benevolent and malicious spirits and bond Angels, or the purest of body-less spirits, with a young adult to better fight, contain and reason with dangerous supernatural phenomenons. Outfitted with a special Angelic Suit, each pure pair would learn to grow with each others, solving mysteries and battling the evil and corrupt in an effort to lessen the growing catastrophes linked to the world due to an overabundance of dark energy. Unfortunately, the opposite of a Lovely Angelica, a Wicked Lucinelle, is a very real thing, when miscalculation are made due to the character of a test subject and temptations are grasped, a dark duo is made, bent of the corruption and destruction of humanity as we know it. Abominations, they are possessed young persons that must be purified of dark and selfish thoughts. You are one of the initial subjects, and will have to fight your own darker nature to find the light and save the world, will you defeat temptation and become a proud Lovely Angelica? Only time can tell! [center][img]http://s12.postimg.org/d8s9k52yl/temp_1.png[/img][/center] Outfitted with both a pure spirit and a special robotic armor specially made for you, you are one of the first Lovely Angelica, the newest super heroine (or super hero, if you are part of the more masculine gender) tasked with bringing light back into an increasingly dark and corrupt world with the help of the Lovely Angelica System. In this virtual reality, you will be able to grow into amazing powers and face heart wrenching choice as your Karma, or the measure of your moral fiber, will be tested to it's limits. Each Lovely Suit, as they are called, will be four meters tall with your virtual self ads it's core, controlling and guiding the great mecha with your mind and will. Each mission will span one episode, after which you will have a great choice placed upon you and be given the choice of a Lovely Cycle, the Lovely Cycles, and its opposite, the Wicked Cycle, will be outlined in their respective owner's section bellow. For now, let's concentrate on Karma and Rounds. Karma, both positive and negative, spans twenty points for both sides, the span of the entire system spanning forty-one points, from Good to Bad, passing by the elusive Neutral. Rounds are what we will use to make actions, with each action being a round, from conversations to battle passing by sleep and eating. Each of you will have a set goal to work towards, sometimes it will be to defeat the enemy, sometimes to get an object before them or even to get important information from an NPC. Health: Each of you will start with three points of Health before you become unconscious for the remain of the Episode, with each subsequent completed cycle of five bringing an additional Health Point and with one of the Lovely cycles also bringing the opportunity for a bonus point. After each Episode, a segment in the Real World will happen, a way to wind down and explore your character and their relationships. [center][img]http://s12.postimg.org/fxn2a68fx/temp_2.png[/img][/center] The Lovely Angelica are the protagonists of this adventure and are the 'good guys', tasked by the system to bring peace upon the world and trusted by a pure spirit to do what is right. That state can be altered and the benefits lost, so it is best to keep on the staight and narrow unless you want to fall from grace! Only five Lovely Angelica can be active at a time. After each episode you will be given the choice of choosing one of the following abilities, starting from Budding and ending with Floating, restarting to Budding after gaining a Health point and so forth. Here is the list available at this time: LOVELY CYCLES BUDDING Cherubic Health – Possess one more Health Attribute Beginner’s Luck – Guaranteed Item find at the end of each Episodes. Pure Heart – Ability to understand all living beings. Melodic Ears – Ears everything that is said about you at all time. Do not work with thoughts. Eagle Eyes – See far into the distance without straining yourself. BLOSSOMING Heavenly Poise – Convince a NPC to do as you say once an Episode, as long as it is not harmful to them. Contagious Laughter – Diffuse an hostile event by laughing once an Episode. Motherly Instinct – Know where your fellow Lovely Angelica are at all time while in the Program. Cloud Jump – Jump twice as high as a Lovely Angelica. Wind's Glide – Use the air currents to say in the air longer. BLOOMING Seraphim's Feathers – Track one enemy once an Episode. Exorcism – Pull a corrupted spirit from a weakened enemy. Heavenly Chant – Boost your fellow Lovely stats by 200% for three turns once an Episode. Lover's Ray – Heal your fellow Lovely Angelica wounds once an Episode. Green Thumb – Withered and life giving nature blossoms back to life under your care. GLOWING Purify – Bring a freed spirit back to its pure state, allowing another ally (NPC) for the Lovelies. Soothe – Calm down a rampaging spirit, putting it to sleep until another action is brought against it. Playful – Permanently augment your ability to befriend others by one attempt per potential ally. Morpheus' Gift – Sleeping do not take any round to end, and takes half as much rounds to complete (2 Health Points regained per Round). Justice's Embrace – Imprison the Wicked and Corrupted in a prison of light for 2 Rounds. FLOATING Archangel's Rebirth – Come back to life once per Episode. Winged Paragon – You can now use your holographic wings for flight. Lovely Protection – Protect those nearby of any attack for 2 Rounds. Righteous Command – Take dual control of one of your allies to boost their actions for the next Round. Mournful Dirge – Bring your fell allies back from the dead in a different body once an Episode. Does not work for other Lovelies. Now that you know the basics, here is the Character Sheet: Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Lovely Costume: Lovely Suit: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Dream: Fears: Prior History: [center][img]http://s12.postimg.org/59jbbbygt/temp_3.png[/img][/center] One of the five dreaded Wicked Lucinelle active at this time, you are the “bad guys” and in charge of corrupting and darkening the world. Your progress is much the same as a Lovely, as five state of the Wicked Cycle leads to the gain of one Health Point. You must be mysterious of your plans, however, for a good plan is only enacted when nobody else is the wiser, and as such you should contact me to plan ahead privately. WICKED CYCLES DARKENING Dark Sight – Able to see in total darkness. War Cry – Induce paralysing fear upon a chosen enemy for one Round. Sadism – Defeating an enemy heals the user by one Health Point. Brooding – At the expense of a turn, the next attack will be unstoppable. Machination – Dodge one attack per Episode, must be decided before the attack is enacted. WITHERING Draining Will – One Health point can be leached from an opponent to become part of one's own once per Episode, the effect duration is one Episode. Sore Loser – When defeated, the Wicked will unleash one last attack before perishing. Dusk – Blind an opponent for 2 Rounds. Pumpkin – Smash an opponent with only on Health left to smithereens. Cheap Shot – Incapacitate an opponent with a dirty hit, bringing damage and stun for the next round. THORNING Night Cloak – Become Invisible when in the cover of shadows. Tomb's Nails – Grow sharp claws, dealing twice the usual damage. I Spy... - Learn the emplacement of your enemies. Entombing – Take cover deep underground to regenerate one an Episode. Scarecrow – Bully others into becoming your minions if not allied to a Lovely once an Episode. BLOODING Venomous – Your Kissing attack will now do damage over time on top of lowering Karma. Intimidating – Bring the unaligned spirit in a battlefield running away from your sight alone. Mind's Eye – Have supernatural senses. Mist Form – Become like mist once an Episode. Banshee – Your dying scream will now stun and cause damage to all who hear it for two Rounds. CORRUPTING Minions – Make unaligned and Afraid spirits into your dark minions. Seduction – Reduce the Karma of a Lovely Ally by 5 points once an Episode. Empress – Control your Allies one by one completely. Witch – Curse a Lovely with damaging nightmares once an Episode. Loveless – Gain twice your rewards by working without other Wicked. [center][img]http://s12.postimg.org/rdy2lybzt/temp_4.png[/img][/center] Keep things OOC in the OOC. Be Polite to each others OOC at all time. Make some effort in every post. Use a Spellchecker. Have Fun! [center][img]http://s12.postimg.org/3keth0859/temp_5.png[/img][/center] Lovely Angelica: 1 - Mitsuzane Kureshima, played by Card Captor 2 - OPEN 3 - Kelly James Blanton, played by Spartan023 4 - Lili Lafontaine, played by geminironin 5 - OPEN Wicked Lucinelle: 1 – Queen Valiant, played by Reveuse. 2 - Ruri Sin'Fonia, played by Hydra 3 - Lux Alucio, played by BlazeGamma 4 - Evelyn Malkin, played by Ink 5 - OPEN [center][img]http://s12.postimg.org/6jlq44hml/temp_6.png[/img][/center] None for now!