"What do you need, Reddo?" Thomson said leaning in and lowering his voice to w whisper. Reddo leaned in and looked around to make sure nobody could hear. There was a long pause.... "I need 3 pounds a candy!" Reddo said with a laugh. "Really that's all you need? No guns, no meds, no drugs, nothing like that?" Thomson said with a surprised look. "Yup, that's all I need." Reddo said looking at Thomson and taking a drink of the whisky she had brought. "But, I have some info that might lower the price if your interested." Reddo said with a grin. "You know I like information." Thomson grinned. "Okay, so the man that blew up the capital building. He's dead. Angelo killed him. Gone, dead, extinguished." "Really now? That's interesting. That'll certainly bring a nice price from those who are asking." Thomson smiled once more. "I'll have your candy tomorrow. Meet me here. And, i want to hold a meeting with your boss, Angelo. If that isn't to much trouble." "It shouldn't be." Reddo said standing up and walking toward the door. "Oh! Also, bring more tea!" Reddo yelled before walking out the door back onto the streets. She made her way back to the hideout. When arriving she noticed Angelo up and moving. "Hey boss." Reddo said while taking out her pigtails. the drugs had wore off. "My "Friend" Thomson is an info dealer, also he gets me a lot of things that I won't say at the moment. But, he wants to hold a meeting with you soon. Are you feeling up to it?" Reddo asked looking at Angelo waiting for a response.