[b] Sandy Shores[/b] The school was abandoned for some time, until it was one day renovated with the incoming Reds. They added heaters to the rooms, generators for the town, and turned the school into a make shift fort. As they neared the school, the cracked parking lot, the deadness and graffiti on the walls, the Captain spoke. "We're Reds, if you didn't assume already. Someone inside will explain more in depth" Surely inside waited a tall, slender woman. She had a pony tail that drifted only to her right and down to her neck, blonde and dirty. She would be beautiful if it weren't for her dead, blue eyes. They were like ice, they looked like ice. "Antarcticans, hm? Most of us here have been in these places for a long time. A [i]lot[/i] of us haven't attended Imperial schools at all, so forgive our ignorance. For some of the older ones and surely all the teens and younger ones, they were taught by any mean possible. History seems to have been lost in these parts of Empire, and I feel safe to assume it is lost elsewhere. Excuse me, I'm Commander Balsamo. If you weren't told already, we're the Socialist Movement, the Reds, the Southpaws. We like the latter of the three the most. We started as simple bank robbers, crooks, smugglers, the holy charade way after you left. The wealth gap was just so huge, if we didn't do anything about it the Empire would've faced a bigger mess than they do now. That's not to say this isn't a mess for them." "Up here, we span from Washington, to the Rockies, to Central California. Anything in between is a massive area infested with us. Major cities have socialist movements, but they're more unions and strikers than actual Southpaws. We've relied on train derailing and the shooting down of planes to get where we are now. We've had to steal, to smuggle the worst of narcotics, basically anything so that we can survive. Why? Because we're socialists, and nobody is going to fund a movement that wants to strip their money away. That's why we're huge, yet out-trained and out-gunned, while down south the more capitalist movement, the Sons of Liberty, are funded by corporations. Some of these corporations even fund their own private military. It's ridiculous what one can do with money nowadays. I just told you a lot of things that I possibly should not have told you. When I was told you came, one of the captains said that you smiled at us being rebels?" smiled Balsamo in a devilish look "Maybe you would find a friendship with us. Or not, maybe you would go to the Sons of Liberty down in Mexico. Either way."