[center][b]Lilly[/b][/center] "Well, uh, that girl that I traveled here with convinced me to come to the school. I'm not much of a fighter so I want to be a doctor. Help people that are injured coming back from battle. Trust me I never saw myself in a school like this. But, things happen." Lilly spoke with a smile. Then she took a drink of her soda. "So, when are we heading back to the dorms? I still have stuff to unpack and what not." Lilly said looking around the table at everybody. "I mean, uh, don't rush or anything. I'm just asking." Lilly didn't want to make anybody rush their meal. She could tell they were all having an amazing time. Lilly could see that Lorenzo really loved his steak, with every bite he just sit there awhile and let the juices sit in his mouth. She laughed a little. "Now that I've told my story, why not tell me a little about you guys or I guy I'm sharing the a room with. I mean we are friends now." Lilly smiled and waited a little for somebody's answer.