Name: Scarlett Mayweather Nicknames: Scar or Letti, but usually just Scarlett Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: [img=] [img=] [img=] Scarlett is 5'6" with a slender but toned build. She is rarely seen out without her leather jacket, beanie hat, and sunglasses. Personality: Scarlett generally is a bit of a loud-mouth, always having something to say and speaking her mind. She is very independent, because she grew up taking care of herself since her dad didn't really want to have much to do with her. She is stubborn to the extreme. Scarlett is kind to pretty much everyone, she just doesn't let anyone get too close or see inside her hard, protective, exterior shell. She has an issue with guys trying to get closer to her as anything more than a friend in particular, ever since her boyfriend, who she trusted, turned out to be a demon who tried to kill her. Scarlett is also very protective of those who can't take care of themselves. Though Scarlett is fairly new to working as a hunter at Ravenwood she has exceeded all expectation other hunters had of her, and is quickly becoming quite the skilled fighter. Though she has a soft, fearful side, pretty much no one ever sees it, because she hides it under a tough exterior to prevent herself from ever feeling vulnerable or weak again. Other: When she's really mad she tends to get really quiet instead of yelling. If she has nothing to say, generally a storm is brewing internally.