[b] [u] Greyson Onyx [/u] [/b] Huffing and puffing, Grey watched the bandit [i]cease to be[/i]. The other ones were speechless as they watched their friend get blasted into non-existence, understandably so... [b]"Well?! WHO WANTS TO BE NEXT!?"[/b] Grey roared. At that point, they scattered, no doubt to look for a wizard or more goons. Truth be told (though he'd seen dark magic before), the sight made him a little nauseous. Collapsing against the nearby building, Grey turned his head to the young mage, and smiled. [b]"Heh... look at that... you bought me a few more minutes... Heh... heh heh... They'll be back soon... you should take Arianna and..."[/b] He tried to say, but he could almost feel his lung filling up with blood. He did feel strange, almost tingly... [b] [u] Alika [/u] [/b] Alika merely huffed at the wolf-man, who had apparently decided to ignore her. Ugh, Wolves. So rude. In any event, she had decided to go back to scanning the town and... [b]"No, no, NO!"[/b] She more or less shouted when she saw someone nearly dead and leaning against a building. Of course, she'd recognize that one-eyed bastard anywhere. She couldn't use that physic staff fast enough. [b] [u] Grey again [/u] [/b] Grey smirked when he saw his wound stitching itself back together and felt the blood drain from his lung. He got up and loosened his shoulder, before picking up his axe again. In the distance, he saw the tell-tale glow of Alika's physic staff. [b]"Hey, wizard. thank you, truly. If it weren't for you I don't think I'd have lived long enough for my guardian angel to find me."[/b] He said to Ereshk as he laid a hand on his shoulder. [b]"Now, you stick with me, those bandits [i]will[/i] be back soon."[/b]