Swift Star stopped in her tracks, when one of her sister-in-arms from House Stormwing was pointing her weapon at her. Has she figured that she would be the only Stormwing soldier that would bother to come here? Or maybe she thought, that she was going to be captured by one of the loyal soldiers of Rainbow Dash. "Lower your weapon as I mean you no harm sister", Swift began to speak, referring this Hoplite as a sister like she has always done with her female comrades. Before she could continue, it seems that two ponies, one from House Earthborn and House Whitegold, had arrived as well to this refuge. "Please, do not be angry at her for drawing her weapon at me. Since the first thing you would think of a pony from House Stormwing, would be that he or she would love to bring back anypony that has thrown their loyalty out the window." She turned her attention back to Skywhistle, hoping that she would listen to what she had to say as well believe her words. "You left Stormwing for the same reason as I correct? As well you two from Earthborn and Whitegold? We all want to bring back Equestria to the way it was, but without spilling much blood. That is why I am here, and that is why I choose not to fight if you do not believe my words sister." If this Hoplite chooses to strike with her sword, then she wouldn't blame her. Why believe another Stormwing soldier that could probably just be saying this to get close to you? To get you to lower your guard? Swift Star wasn't one for trickery, especially to her own comrades, so she would say only the truth.