[hider=CS] Name: Alex Fudo • Age: 19 • Gender: Male • Appearance: Unmorphed [img=http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/7b3f666b85999965caa05d4507d6422e/http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff384/Raine_Amorie/a769bfbd-1316-4c20-b6ec-bc40f03101c5_zps086a9310.png] Henshin! [URL=http://www.zerochan.net/1172818][IMG]http://s3.zerochan.net/Kamen.Rider.Wizard.%28Character%29.240.1172818.jpg[/IMG][/URL] • Power: Host of the a Dragon phantom (Different from Haruto's) and possesses the Wizardriver and accompanying rings. Missing all four Dragon rings, Infinity, the Drago-timer, and the Hope ring. • Faction: Factionless at the moment • World of Origin: Magic Land (Alternate Earth) • Personality: Alex is a curious student of magic who leaps at any opportunity to make advances. His life goal was to become the greatest magic user on earth, willing to sacrifice nearly anything for that endeavor. Now that he has near limitless magic at his command, he wants to learn more about it and it's applications. As in his mind, being the greatest magic user should not only make him powerful but renowned. The Dragon Phantom that shares his headspace has slowly been trying to convince him to use his powers to make a show, and he has a flair for the dramatic as a result. Dragon represents his inner personality, his base motivations and desires, and is prone to doing very foolish things without Alex to reign him in. • Backstory: Alex studied magic all his life, being that he lived in Magic Land, it wasn't that unusual, but rather than using the generic driver and pre-made spells of everybody else, he wanted his own magic. He succeeded in doing small things without a driver, warping probability mostly, but his successes always pushed him to study more. One day, a scientist informed him of a ritual that would change his life, a spell that would manifest his "Phantom" and give him his own magical power, rather than power of the Magedriver that everyone wore. Alex raced home to his apartment to try it out, it required the most strange of reagents, including his own blood. As he finished the spells and incantations and sliced open his arm for the blood offering, blood started pouring out of his arm, far more rapidly than it should have, strangely, he felt no pain, and the blood manifested into a Dragon floating in the middle of the ritual circle. The Dragon informed him of his success, and that he would be the source of his power. The Dragon shapeshifted into a Lockbox before him, but took up residence within his mind. "Within this box, are numerous spells, and power beyond your imagination," It told him through thoughtspeech. Hands shaking, Alex opened up the box, finding a set of rings and a single circular emblem with a hand pattern on it. At the Dragon's urging, he put the emblem on his waist and it formed into an ornate belt, apparently a custom version of the magical Driver. The rings contained nearly every spell he had seen for sale and many he had not, and that's not all, four of the rings were completely unique, offering elemental control, and on usage, manifested a set of flexible armor. He keeps the connect and shapeshifting rings on him at all times, to summon whatever he needs. And the belt usually stays in a more subtle form unless ready to be used. • Quote: "Opportunity is fleeting in fancy." - Alex "Heroes deserve worship" - Dragon [/hider]