[Center][I]Taro Kaeda & Ueru Kenpachi[/I] -------------------------------------------------- [/Center]He could smell it, their odor. It lingered over the immediate area like a plague, infesting the surrounding air with the musty stench of human sweat. Ueru raised a hand to his nose. Trying to block out smell to no avail. In a flash of irritation, his fur spiked up. "Don't they realize they stink?" His voice was a lowly growl, deep and throaty. His eyes daggers as he stared at the entrance to the Seventh Division's battle ground. He could already hear the audience's impatient whines. "Stupid bare-skins." In his usual demeanor, the wolf-man snarled at the air before him as he made his approach. Despite his rhetoric, he was truly mad at only one person. Himself. As he had once again lost his most prized possession, a blue stuffed bear named 'Mr.Ziggy'. [I][B]"Ueru!"[/B] Taro slapped his palm on the tall beasts shoulder in a friendly greeting. Taking a deep breath of air he prepared himself to watch the glorious tournament he had come to watch, [B]"Can you smell that my friend? That's the smell of a good tournament! And rice balls..."[/B] he quietly added as he took in an extra breath.[/I] "Taro." Ueru grunted as the man addressed the smell in the air. Looking at his hand for a moment before grinning broadly, showcasing his array of fanged teeth. "That..." He corrected. "Stinks." At this the giant wolf turned to face his friend, offering the large man a friendly hand. "Almost as much as you." He grinned once again. [I][B]"Ha!"[/B] Taro grasped the firm hand. [B]"How are you Ueru?!"[/B] It was hard not to notice the Vice captain when he spoke in his notoriously loud tone. [B]"I hope your not taking part, these young ones would tear you limb from limb!"[/B] nonchalantly he threw an open hand to a group of distressed looking Soul reapers who were quivering in the Captains shadow, Taro always liked to watch the effect Ueru had on the unseated officers, it allowed him to pick the ones who showed no fear and drown out the wimpy upstarts who hadn't yet seen a training field. [B]"I jest! I jest! no doubt a man like you wouldn't even be allowed to enter such a tournament. It's a place for men, not beasts."[/B] he remarked with a wide grin strewn across his face.[/I] Kenpachi Grinned. Taro always had that effect on him, as he often found the man to be quite... amusing. Thus, as if you further demotivate Taro's followers from trying, he growled at them mockingly as the large man gestured to wards them. "You should go fight the other bare-skins, Taro. I think i'd enjoy watching you squish some for me." At this point, Ueru had begun to make his way through the entrance and into the arena. He winced as the loud sounds of mass banal chatter touched his ears. He folded them. [I][B]"You know what I'm like Ueru! I wouldn't hold back and I think it's in our initiates best interests to keep their spines in place don't you think?"[/B] the muscle-bound man let out a jolly laugh as the two walked the length of the stone path that led to the arena, side by side. [B]"Besides, I like to watch the fights more. I know I can fight, but I don't yet know how everyone else fights."[/B] The rare words of wisdom almost reminded Taro to concentrate. As he sat cross-legged he leaned to one side with his elbow in the air, his hand firmly on his knee, Taro turned to look at Ueru. [B]"Anyway, good to see you my friend, this should be a treat! Enjoy it!"[/B] Slapping the wolf-mans shoulder once more he leaned closer to the arena with a fierce grin on his face as he anticipated the first fight.[/I]