A cough. “The hell is this?” “Fog." And then there was no real sound coming from these figures. Two figures, one who looked like they were through most of what life had to offer, and one who looked like they were young and planned through what most of life had to offer. The one that looked like they were through most of what life had to offer winged everything, and the one who looked like they planned…well, they planned mostly, obviously. The young one, who was also the smart and the one who planned, was staying next to the idiot adult, as if they would lose them at any second. Now, let us go into names. The older one’s name was Kya, as was previously established. The young one was named Luke, as you would soon find out, or if you read this, then you already know his name. As the fog thickened, Luke was looking around for Kya, as if they got separated. “Hey, where did you-“ “I’m still next to you.” SO. Luke apparently did not know everything, since he didn’t have super intelligence, something he wished he did. And he didn’t go to this place that often, so that’s…bad. A little bit. As the two walked along, Luke constantly checking his side to see if his partner was there, they walked pass these bushes. They didn’t even know what was in these bushes, they just walked past them. AND you may know that there were people in these bushes. Sorry if that confused you. In short, they walked past bushes with people hiding in them. Yeah.