Cassandra sighed, rising "I came here because I had no where else to go" She said simply, "I want to be a doctor to help people, but have no choice but to be a knight as well. So I'll protect people as well. I grew up normal, until I wasn't normal anymore, and then circumstances led me here" She slung her sword across her back, and her pack over her shoulder, "I'm going to go to the library to get some doctor books" She said, giving Lilly a smile, "it was nice to meet you, see you later, if you need help unpacking, Lorenzo can tell you were to find me. We share a dorm" She hurried out the cafeteria, brushing passed Simon as she do so, giving the big man a smile, and a wave, but she didn't stop to chat. She was heading towards the library, going down a corridor that didn't have many people in it. It was as she was just passing some stairs that led up to a roof that she head a noise, and she spun about, one hand going to her blade. And there stood a demon. She didn't know what it was, but she could already tell that it was powerful. She let out a piercing scream, if only to alert others to the presence of the creature, and without hesitation, she drew her sword, and the flames danced around her body. Her only need was to protect those that couldn't protect themselves, those that wouldn't be ready to fight, those that were eating lunch, and relaxing for a few moments and she held her blade out, rushing to the demon, engaging it in battle, she danced always out of its way, but knew she couldn't kill it, not by herself. What she was doing was merely stalling, and trying to injure the demon as much as possible, as she prayed for help, but she could feel herself losing control, feel her demonic side rise to take power continously. "Hurry" She whispered, her voice coming out in a growl, not even sure anyone was coming, she still coaxed them on in her mind.