[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/fDONg2O.png?1[/IMG] [b]Name: Venice Kenny Gorga Alias/ Nickname (If Any): Venny, Ven Age: 17 Gender: Male Cabin: Five- Ares Appearance (Prefer Picture): [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ll7dWzh.jpg[/IMG] Family Godly Parent: Ares-God of War, Battle lust, Civil Order and Manly Courage. Human Parent: Karina Gorga- Restaurant Owner, Mini-Business Mogul / Gorga's Pizzeria (3 restaurants, In The Tri-State Area). Legacy: Nike- Goddess Of Victory In War And Sports. General Information Personality: Outgoing, Competitive, Jerky Sometimes, Loud, Rude, Athletic, Dumb In Some Areas, Loyal, Anger Issues, Paranoid, Charming, Intimidating (Can Get His Way Easily) Vigorous, Hyper, Fun, Leader, Honest, Brave. Likes: MMA, Football, Action And Horror Movies, GTL (If you watch Jersey Shore you would know what that means; Gym, Tanning, Laundry), Exercise, Parties, Girls, Drinking, Living Life, Being In Charge, Lions, Snakes, Dogs. Dislikes: Dorks, People who make him feel dumb, books, boring people, fat people, pigs, rats, cats, rules, people who stand in his way, losing at anything. Talents: MMA Fighter, Sword Fighting, Intimidation, Strong Biography: Born in New Jersey, USA, to a single business owning mother, in 1996 on April 20th. Venny never knew anything about his birth father. His mother wouldn't tell him anything about Ares. His mother was scared that if he found out about him, Venny would have so many questions, and she didn't have the best answers to those questions. Other then that, Venny grew up as a normal only child. His mother's restaurant business gave them enough money to live in a nice house. Venny's family was middle class, which he loved, it was better then low class, but not as snobby as high class. Venny was the quarterback football star in high school. His life was great...until his 17th birthday. That day was the day everything changed. He was walking home from school, when a giant half man, half lizard, beast started to chase him. Venny was running as fast as he could, being a football star, Venny ran pretty fast. The man lizard was catching up to him. Venny ended up in an alleyway, he was cornered. Then out of nowhere, some giant man had jumped in front of him, he had a spear and a shield in his hands. The man lizard still charged at Venny, but the Godlike man, severed the man lizard's head. When he saw what had happen, Venny passed out. When he woke up he was in his bedroom. He went into the kitchen to tell his mother about what had happen. He knew it couldn't have been a dream, it felt to real. When he saw her at the kitchen table, she was with the Godlike man, but this time, the man wasn't holding a spear and shield, and he wasn't gigantic, he was a normal size guy, well a normal sized guy who played Pro Football. Venny's mother told him that the guy who set at the kitchen table, was Ares The Greek God Of War, and he was also his father. Venny started to laugh, but the man showed him that he was really a greek god, by destroying the marble stone kitchen table. Venny couldn't believe what he saw. His mother cussed Ares out, but Ares said he would get a new table for her. After coming to realize that mythical beasts, and gods, were real, and not some nerdy geek fantasy porn, Venny listened to everything his parents said to him. He needed to go to Camp Half Blood, or he would probably die, his father Ares, had to leave, but he said he would be there for Venny in spirit and in war. He told Venny to never embarrasses him, or he would disown him, and he would not protect him again. Before he left, Ares gave him a sword (THOD), he told Venny to take care of it, and to never give it to anyone else. The sword felt right in Venny's hand. With his mother driving to Camp Half Blood Venny's life would change forever. Theme Song: [youtube]jGB3F6F3OQY[/youtube] Weapon Information Weapon Name: The Holder Of Destruction Weapon Type: Celestial And Silver One Handed Sword Weapon Appearance: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/B5FGS5p.jpg[/IMG] Attributes: When Venny strikes the ground with THOD, the earth shakes, and fire is released from the ground. THOD transforms into a chain around his neck, when not in use. Since THOD is made out of celestial bronze it can kill mythical beasts, and harm the Gods. Other Other: Venny loves to embrace his Italian side. He wears clothes that have the Italy Flag on it, [url=http://rlv.zcache.co.uk/fascist_italy_flag_shirt-r1ef0c19f68c64b698d201424b9fbdf13_804gs_512.jpg]Like This[/url], or the colors, RED, WHITE, And GREEN. He Goes to the gym all the time.[/b][/center]