As soon as Ceres opened the door, two rifles were aimed at her from a small distance. Two guards happened to be nearby, and upon hearing the sirens, had readied themselves some anything that might come out. "Oh no you don't!" The woman exclaimed, ducking low to dodge below the bullets fired at her. Luckily these men weren't exactly expert snipers. Then before they could even draw their swords she was already in reach. Her pipe swung low, hitting one of the two against the legs. The other was caught against the throat by her left arm, and hit the ground a moment later as well. She finished it off with a firm hit to the head with her pipe against the one to her right. They weren't dead, but wouldn't be waking up for the next couple of minutes either. And right now time was of the essence, so this was enough. "So ah...which way to the docks?" Ceres then asked the man exiting behind her. She would never outright admit it, but her sense of direction was terrible. Even with the clearest of directions she could still get lost if she wasn't already familiar with the area. And it had only been a few weeks since she had arrived in this city.