Sarina smiled when she saw him. A young man. Perfect. He didn't seem entranced, but that could be fixed if she really wanted to. Did she really want to...? Maybe not right away. Have a little fun first. She was bored after all. "I don't mind," she said, lowering her head so that her eyes looked bigger and more innocent. "I mean, you're not going to hurt me... right?" Playing the weak feeble female often got to human males. Well really males of any species. It was something primal ingrained in the male psyche : females were soft creatures made to either protect or claim. Or both. Little did the human know that she could rip his throat open if the desire struck her. She didn't like doing it much though. It was very messy. She liked it much better when her prey just came to her, like a deer walking up to the hunter and laying in wait for it's throat to be cut. But she had to admit, this human was awfully cute. Maybe she'd keep him as a pet for a while. "Do you like my singing?" she asked, stepping closer slowly and cautiously.