Name: Fex Gender: Female Warframe: Mirage Appearance: [img=] Primary Weapon (If any): Soma Secondary Weapon (If any): AkZani Melee Weapon (If any): Silvia and Aegis Sentinel (If any): Djinn Personality: She's a bit insane to put it bluntly. The Grineer found her before either Shinto or the Lotus did and when she was found her frame stood in the middle of just a pile of bodies saying she had won over and over again. From the little that Shinto could get out of her, before she had went into suspended animation her fight was with the Grineer and her hatred for them seems to of lasted for all this time. What they did to her upon finding her is anyone's guess but it left her with a few screws loose. Though she tries to do her best to remain calm in the dojo and be nice only letting her true self come out on the field of battle. Yet her insanity still comes out in the fact that she enjoys being a trickster and uses her powers to play practical jokes at times. Faction Preference (If any): Corpus