[quote=Magic Magnum] Went through some videos, will have to go through the boyfriend's post when I have more time.But this is just ridiculous, it not only glaringly highlights the double standard the gaming community is growing in terms of men and women, but it also addresses how broken/corrupt game journalism is becoming. Not mention this seems to be completely destroying the poor guy who used to go out with her.Though I do need to make one possibly unpopular criticism here, her whole issue with the Wizard site just looks like a fight between two evils. Zoe Quinn has been more than proven using sex (and destroying relationships) to gain success, attention and oppress those who call her out on it. But that Wizard's seems to advertise themselves as a place exclusively for male virgins... Non-virgins or Girls aren't even allowed to join. I really can't blame anyone for taking issues or calling out a site/community that would discriminate and segregate people in such a way. [/quote] Wizards are a group of people exactly like Christian Weston Chandler - A group of asspie virgins who wallow in self pity and basement dwelling, complining about how no one wants to fuck them. What would you expect from them? At the same time, no one would dare say anything about a group of fat autistic losers who live with their parents and leech off of society if they were female, because you'd be called sexist. So I see the Wizards as an easy target. VERY easy target.