[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/PdmUtGn.jpg[/IMG][/center] A small sigh escaped from Luro as he couldn't help but lament a little at last night, he made it back to the ship and still a little worried about the damage he checked the ship before deciding to turn in, at the very least the ship had been repaired and he admitted they didn't do a half bad job, he still pouted a little that he didn't get to do it but he let it go as he set forth for his other objective for the night the captain's sleeping face. Nolan was knocked out, Danny was gone, Ray had wandered off somewhere and Kai was nowhere to be seen so Luro felt extremely confident. He couldn't help but grin at the possibility of catching another side of the captain, when a person slept certain expressions couldn't be hidden away, he noticed that with Nolan but he wouldn't say it out loud, if he found out he was watching him it would be very awkward to explain why. He was really curious about Kai as well, he wondered if that serious expression on his face vanished but it was too risky, and he didn't seem the type to be defenseless even when he slept. When Luro did reach the door what common sense he could muster in his current state kicked in, he put his hand on the captain's door realizing two important tidbits of information, the first being this was the captain's quarters, coming in here without permission was probably not permitted and could result in a painful response, the second the captain was still a lass his previous experiences with sneaking into a room under similar circumstances didn't end well and ended painfully. However he was more than willing to take that chance being able to tease the captain, he already had one reserved for Danny and Nolan but that was for later, however as he started to open the door a chill ran up his spine as he realized the last thing. Kai was on the ship. Luro knew he should have ran back to the ship first but this feeling, it was if Kai was exerting his influence even though he couldn't see him, Luro knew this feeling it was similar to being at death's door and would probably have the same response if he chose the wrong course of action. Even if he could sneak in if Kai came and did his duty...he wouldn't be able to get back out, if Kai saw him leave the room...he shuddered a little at what might follow and he couldn't say in the room the whole night he'd have to get on his hands and knees to apologize to the captain properly. So with a heavy heart Luro walked away from the door and sighed, the opportunity would present itself again but for now he'd strategically retreat and clean his rifle before throwing up over the side of the side of the ship, not necessarily in that order either. Putting the previous night aside Luro walked through the town pushing a large wheelbarrow with an object placed in it covered by a large cloth concealing the item, with a small spring in his step and humming one of Ray's songs to himself he made his way to the ship. He felt much better after getting some air, all that drinking caught up to him later on but if there was one thing he could it was bounce back, he ended up waking up early as the sun came up and left the ship to conclude some personal business figuring it was the best time for it. Once Luro made it to the ship he noticed the captain and the others, but the captain wandered off somewhere before he had a chance to say anything so he headed towards Nolan, Kai and Danny needing to put a little bit of effort into getting the object on the ship. "Hey everyone good morning!" Luro exclaimed. "Last night was so much fun, true bonding is done over drinking and celebrations in my opinion, oh and situations of life and death but that's another thing, is Ray not here yet I wonder if he was in the company of another for the night?" Luro grinned a little at the thought before he reached up and grabbed the cloth removing it, under the cloth was the throne chair from the castle, Luro grinned and pat it a few times proud of what he considered treasure. "I got this chair for the ship, can you believe they just let me have it. I mean it was after I explained I shot a man point blank on it and splattered his blood all over it. I'm feeling pretty lucky today I'm going to put it in the rum room and clean it later. Oh and they restocked it for us too so if you want anymore feel free to get some, these people are really nice aren't they?" Luro picked the chair up and dragged it towards the door and though it took a bit of effort he got it inside and placed it on the right side of the rum room, he gave a nod of his head at the fully stocked room before turning and heading back towards the main deck. "So what's the plan then? I'm up for anything, fishing, drinking, killing, more drinking you name it."