Lorenzo was enjoying his lunch finishing up until he heard a scream, Cassandra! Lorenzo quickly got up and started running "Cassandra!" Lorenzo called out running just in time to see Hax show up first and Lorenzo was about to attack him when he noticed that he saw his sister in demon form but then he noticed the demon attacking his sister and that he was simply protecting her, if he was willing to fight for his sister when they don't even know each other then he couldn't be a bad person. Now the next problem was making my sister sheath the sword and Lorenzo went out and made sure his sister could see him "calm down Cassandra, the fights over. Sheath your sword while you can" Lorenzo warned not wanting to charge his sister and force her blade off her or worse to pull out his own but at least if Hax was on the other side of her then he could make her put all her attention in him while Hax grabbed the sword and sheathed it himself. The only reason Lorenzo would think of it was because he already protected his sister from a demon and he was sure he could disarm her better then Lorenzo could even try to manage without pulling out his own....