[quote=Dipper] Wizards are a group of people exactly like Christian Weston Chandler - A group of asspie virgins who wallow in self pity and basement dwelling, complining about how no one wants to fuck them. What would you expect from them?At the same time, no one would dare say anything about a group of fat autistic losers who live with their parents and leech off of society if they were female, because you'd be called sexist. So I see the Wizards as an easy target. VERY easy target. [/quote] You know what? I admit that I know very little about gaming and absolutely nothing about the subject of this debate, and I was only reading this thread because I can't sleep and mindlessly browsing forums tends to help me with that issue - so I'm not going to comment too extensively about the subject of this debate, which I apologize for. Ordinarily, I tend not to comment on threads that I only read to lull myself to sleep. However, after reading this post, I really do feel the need to say that "autistic" [i]is not an insult[/i]. I don't care who the fuck these Wizards people are. They could be the biggest assholes on the planet for all I know. But "autistic" is [i]certainly[/i] not synonymous with "stupid" or "idiotic" or whatever you're trying to use the word as. Really it's just offensive to autistic people. Tbh I feel the same way about using words like "retarded" and "gay" as insults but those words are so {unfortunately} ingrained into the public conscience as such that I usually don't throw a fit every time I see someone throwing them around. But "autistic"? Do people actually say that? Are you just picking up on what you've been hearing other people say or did you make up that one yourself? Because if you think that every autistic person is a basement-dwelling loser who wallows in self-pity for attention then you are so, so horribly misinformed. There are plenty of perfectly nice "aspies" out there - especially here on the Guild, [i]where some of them even make very well-made arguments in the Off Topic section containing points you agree with[/i]. So stop using that word that way - because it just makes [i]you[/i] look like, ironically, your own definition of autistic. And if you manage to spread it around enough that "autistic" becomes the new "retarded" then I am sorry for autistic people everywhere on your behalf. I apologize again for de-railing this thread. That post just rubbed me the wrong way. Badly. And I felt I needed to say something. Sorry again. Carry on, everyone.