Cassandra was more then relieved when help came. She could feel someone behind her, and that made her skin crawl, wondering if it was friend or a stranger. If it was Lorenzo, kiddo or Ren she had nothing to worry about, not if it was Oliva and Simon. Anyone else, she wasn't too sure about, and she could have just exposed herself fully, to get herself killed. She had to fight down the urge to finish the demon, and then attack the person if they weren't someone she trusted. As the flame grabbed the demon, Cassandra felt a snarl bubble out of her, and now that the danger was passed, that she didn't have a reason to fight, to hold back, she could feel herself loosing control, feel herself slipping with each second, each best of her racing heart. The voice of the stranger seemed far away as they told her to sheath her sword, and she shuddered, a growl working it's way up from her chest. And then there was Lorenzo's voice, and Cassandra realized she wasn't alone. That she still had her brother to protect. And yet....It was almost as if she was being drawn to lose complete control, as if it would be wonderful, and amazing to have that much power and not just care what she did with it. With a pained yell, Cassandra swung her sword up, and for a moment in seemed like she would attack the stranger, but then the blade met it's sheath, sliding in silently, and she stumbled to the ground as the power left her. Would it always be like that? That struggle for control? Always fighting not to hurt those around her? Her chest was heaving as she struggled to regain control, her breathing coming in in fast breaths, until she managed to slow her breathing and calm her racing heart. She grimaced, and rose, brushing herself down, flicking her tail, still unnerved at that action. "I'm fine" she said finally, looking towards the stranger that had helped her, seeing another student, she frowned. "Thank you. I was just walking and then..." She cast her mind back, and she frowned deeply, "and I heard a voice and then the demon appeared" her eyes widened with shock, "someone set that demon on me" that was deeply disturbing. It narrowed her group of trusted people down to simply her team and Oliva and Simon. She eyed the stranger, then sighed, resigned "I'm Cassandra"