[center][img=http://i895.photobucket.com/albums/ac152/ginover/Doctor%20Who/glasses04.png][/center] Henry sat at, what was now, his desk, the only sound beside his fingers rapping against the hardwood surface being the wall-clock [i]ticking[/i] as all clocks do. He had arrived to the school about half an hour early to gather his materials and ensure this first day went as smoothly as possible - and the students were due to arrive at any time. Henry stood up and turned behind him to look at the large chalkboard that was placed against the back wall. On it was written in large letters: "English Class: Mr. Carlyle." Henry could only subtly nod in approval at the wording, pushing his glasses up against his face as the last few minutes seemed to take their sweet time. Suddenly, the sound of the school bell rang out across the halls, signaling it was time for class to start. Henry took a quick final sip of the can of Coke he brought with before a group of youngsters seemed to flood through the doorway into the classroom. All small talk and joking amongst the students seemed to quickly subside as they took a second to glance at Henry, immediately recognizing him as being new. They were almost completely silent as they hung up their coats and lunchboxes before sitting down at their desks, staring intently at their teacher; who currently seemed to be studying them as well. Henry let a few moments pass before finally speaking, "Good morning class, and welcome to English!" He began, pacing about in front of the chalkboard in an almost casual manner; attempting to defuse any wariness from the get-go. "I am Mr. Carlyle, your new English teacher; and I hope that, by the end of the period, we're all good pals, eh?" Without giving them a chance to respond, he continued with just as much vigor. "Now then, let's take roll, shall we?" He reached for a simple clipboard that lay aimlessly on his desk, holding it up with a single hand whilst adjusting his glasses. "Alrighty then, Michael?" He called, answered by a simple "Present!" By the child. "Grayson?" "Here!" "Marie?" "That's me!" "Brittany?" "Present!" Henry continued to call out names on the list before coming to the last one; "Mason?" At this a small boy with a mop of curly dark brown hair raised his hand up high. "Here, Teacher!" The boy piped with a cheerful voice. Henry looked out under his glasses for a moment, placing the boy before checking his name off the board. "Alright, class, that should be everyone! Fortunately we didn't lose anyone - good thing too, because they'd have missed out on all the fun." He added with a friendly smirk, almost haphazardly dropping the clipboard onto the desk, where it landed with a louder-than-appropriate [i]thud[/i] "So...English! What about it? We speak it, we read it, we write it; it's [i]normal[/i] to us - and that's all well and good, but there's more *beyond* that. So, this week, we're going to cover a bunch of different parts of speech. Today, we're going to work on adjectives!" At this, Henry clapped his hands, rubbing them together furiously. "Now, can someone tell me *what* an adjective is?" Henry asked, watching as small hands shot up into the air. Henry looked about the class for a split-second before landing on Grayson. "Mr. Grayson! What is an adjective?" He repeated, waiting for the young boy to answer. "A word that adds on to a...noun?" The boy responded, phrasing his answer like a question. "Correctamundo, a word I've never used before and hopefully never will again." Henry replied approvingly before seeming to launch himself towards the chalkboard; writing "Adjective - word that describes a noun." "Now then, who can give me an example of an adjective? I'll pick...three students." He settled on, eyes alight with curiosity. "Yes, Marie?" "Bright!" The young girl replied, earning herself an approving grin and a written version of her example on the chalkboard. "And, Michael?" "Slimy." The boy replied with an almost devilish smirk. "Slimy, good." Henry replied, writing that on the chalkboard as well. "And last, but not certainly least, Mason!" He declared, pointing to the boy. "Um...uh...Noisy!" He finally said after pondering for a few moments. "Noisy - yes." Henry responded, writing the third example on the chalkboard. "Now, what can we all gather from these three examples?" Without skipping a beat, he continued, "They *describe* a noun, which is a person, place, or thing! So essentially, everything in this room is a noun!" The rest of the class continued on very much like this, with the time seeming to fly by until the blaring of the school bell signaled that class-time was over. "Well, look's like we're done for today. Remember, I want individual reports about yourselves using as many adjectives as you can by Wednesday." After that reminder, he proceeded to give individual goodbyes to the students as they left, finally taking a moment to sit down and relax for a few minutes. It was turning out to be a good morning.