"Well this is a startling turn of events!" Ren said as he stood up to follow Lorenzo as he bolted out of the room. "Lilly would you mind joining me? I'm not sure if you need to see this right now, but trust me, the safest place you can be right now with your little band of misfits. I'll even escort you." He tried to keep a calm composure about him, no need to alarm this new girl more than she already was. "We need to hurry though Lilly, this could very much be urgent. " [i]God, I hope Cassandras alright... she has to be right? I mean Lorenzo will be there, he won't let anything happen. But I can't let anything happen to Lilly either, I don't think she could defend herself like we can. I need to hurry though.[/i] With that thought Ren started out of the room, turning to look back at Lilly. "Well come on then. No need to be afraid with me around." He forced his usual smile even though all he felt was dread.