As long as this thread isn't strictly RP related, I'd like to bitch about something I hate with a passion. Survival games getting turned into PVP fuckfests. I'll use DayZ as an example. The mod, not the standalone, though the same does apply. I see DayZ as, to an extent, an RPG. It has no leveling system, no permanent inventory, no class selection, nothing like that, but the fact that it's such a well-done zombie survival game makes it a shame that everyone treats it like fucking CoD. I'd say about 75% of the players will just kill people on sight, which is not the way the game is meant to be played, in my opinion. Granted, there's no specific set of rules for DayZ, but when people rationalize dickhead behavior by saying "It's DayZ, I can do what I want, get over it," that does two things. A. that tells me they don't give a flying shit about the rest of the playerbase, unless they're on Teamspeak with them, and B. they take out RL issues on players in the game, specifically when spawnkilling. Let me use an example, one time I joined a server. This was about three days ago, and I had never played on this server before, so I was a complete fresh spawn. Not even 30 seconds after spawning, no exaggeration, I got shot at. Not just shot, sniped. I had NO CHANCE to retaliate and was left to get nom'd by zombies and bleed out. I've been killed as a fresh spawn before, but never immediately after loading in. I bitched about it, and you know what? EVERYONE who responded to me called me a bitch, pussy, faggot, troll (yeah, I got that one, just for making my thoughts known) etc. So, on top of the fact that I wasn't alive long enough to tell which way is North, I got bitched at for a perfectly legitimate gripe in another player's behavior. Imagine if that were a brand new DayZ player, they'd instantly be turned off and possibly never play the game again. I could have lived with the kill if the players were at least somewhat respectful. The above example is, in part, what leads me to my assertion that most DayZ players who do this have some sort of IRL issues that get translated into the game. If it were a game like Battlefield, okay, that's all well and good, people die within seconds all the time, but it's not. DayZ is not about seeing how many newspawns you can snipe before being counter-sniped, it's about trying to survive the zombie apocalypse. I feel like the meaning of the game falls on deaf ears most of the time, and it's a damn shame, because it ALMOST makes me not want to play it. Not only that, but it makes a whole group of people that I know not want to play it at all, and they're the only people I know, IRL or otherwise, who have DayZ. So what do I do? I hunt down bandits and snipers. I devote my entire gameplay to doing that, because I feel like I have a moral obligation to make the game a little bit easier for normal players, but it doesn't fucking work. It doesn't dissuade the bandits because they just fucking respawn, and half the time they kill someone, they make them cold enough to become bandits themselves. It's a vicious cycle, and it's turned DayZ into nothing more than a PVP fucking circlejerk! Really the only reason I play it anymore is because it's the only FPS that I have that requires a good amount of skill to play, and I want to get better. I want to become an efficient bandit hunter, I want to kill them all, because they're all fucking pricks that make the game a bitch and a half to play! At least hackers and glitchers can be found and banned, but the bandits... they just keep coming. If they tried that shit in minecraft, they'd be banned for trolling or griefing, but it's become the fucking status quo in DayZ. What's the reason they all use? "This is DayZ, I can do what I want, and call you a faggot when you complain to me about it." I understand that it's a game, but I also think it needs to be taken more seriously. I'm not saying everyone should be friendly, then the game would be boring as hell. What I am saying is that there should be a relatively even number of bandits to other players, because right now it's way out of balance; to the point that it makes DayZ unplayable to some people. DayZ is a game with excellent potential. Potential that is being squandered with the mindless PVP carried out by players who have played a few too many CoD games. The same goes for games like Rust, Nether, etc.