[quote=Venom] Name : Makoto NanyaLooks :Game : BlazblueRP Example :"BEHOLD THE POWER OF 1000 SQUIRRELS!" Shouts the beastkin as she raises her fist to the sky! 2 minutes past, along with a perfectly place breeze. "Hum....You know one day that will work!" She grins slightly embarrassed. After her slightly out of place display she takes a stance both fist raised her tonfas spinning with enough momentum to move her hair about! She bounces from right to left, "Float like a butterfly, Hit like a girl!" She tucks her arms in and hunches over slightly Her thighs tense up as she dashes!Each of her steps make full use of her legs, the extension the speed, Her physical prowess is made all to obvious as she closes a gap of 12 feet in three steps! Her exposed mid-drift steals the lime light as it expands up to aid in the launching of her fist! Despite how aloof she may appear, her understanding of momentum and flow are now made more bold than her outfit! Weaponry (if any): Makoto is a experienced combatant in a world with magic and technology of both immense power and bizzare technique. Forcing her to be a quick study. She is also a beastkin, Meaning she has inhuman strength and speed, the factor of being a squirrel gives her a dazzling reaction time even amongst other Super powered beings (The price comes in her short attention span and her rather large tail.) Her weapons are a pair of tonfas, while they not be super powered or even flashy, they are functional. They weigh enough that normal humans would struggle to hold them let alone use them in combat. (In the game it is suggested that her strength didn't really reach the "super" till she began using her weapons)Name:Abaddon the Lord of AvernusLooks: Game:Dota 2Rp example: Before you Stands Abaddon, What has brought him to this place, No the question you should ask is why his blade is lifted at you. "Fear the Lord of avernus!"A mist beings to seep from his form, and about his a cold chill. His sword seems to draw the very life from your veins...And It has yet to strike you. You strike first! Your blade connects! His metal gauntlet rest on your shoulder as a rather sinister chuckle escapes from the black shadows of his hood."All is not as it seems." Now being brought to your attention is the distortion around him! It was not the Lord you struck but his Aphoptic shield! Abbadon chuckles once more as his clawed gauntlet sinks into your shoulder. Escape for a lowly mortal such as yourself has just been made impossible. Lifting his blade with his free hand you can do nothing but close your eyes and pray to your God that he will be merciful.....Weaponry: First I will list the "source" His power stems from a Dota lore entity referred to as the dark mist. Abbadon's primary weapon is himself, In order for him to work in this setting I am treating him as a Revenant. All of Abbadons abilites within dota are about making the character about sustain. So I will treat him as an endurance fighter. His strength comes from the mist stripping you of your own and feeding it to Abbadon. His blade and his horse are creations of the mist, along with his armor, I do not plan to be so horrible as to act like his abilites from dota will have their cooldowns in an rp setting. But I plan to have him be able to go toe to toe with any melee fighter. But as his problem in dota, He is to be a high risk character when it comes to ranged attackers, He may be on a spectral horse but Terrain is still a factor, and his only ranged abilites are His death coil, which hurts him aswell and the detonation of his shield. (The shield for those of you that dont dota, is a tool that removes debuffs and shields him for sets amount of damage, and once it is beaten to the point of being expended it detonates) Abbadon is one that seems overpowered when I list it all out, But I promise you im here for entertainment. I wont be going el oh el IMA WARRIO IMA GUNNA WIN. I will play him out balanced, and since this is not truly his world the mist is not something of overabundance. But for the sake of rp, I will point out challenging him in a literal battlefield or graveyard is bad juju for you. *Gm* if you want me to change anything just say, I wont fight you over it, Abbadon is A dota character so he's op in most other settings. But if you have a little faith In me. I promise he will make for some interesting battles. (RADDUM AS MAH WITNESS I CAN BE A GOOD GUY GREG)Oh and if you stopped accepting my bad for wasting your time. [/quote] Firstly, no I haven't stopped accepting, it's way to early to do that. Secondly, they are both very much accepted.