"Because the beach, or the pool, is fun Tai," Sylvia chuckled to herself mostly, rolling her eyes at her friend. "There are boys there and everything." She waved at Cammy as she settled in, pulling out the big text book. She listened to Tai go on about being bored in the summer because she'd finished her homework early. And [i]of course[/i] she wasn't going to finish Sylvia's homework for her, why ever would she think that? But when she pointed out her parents, the other girl pushed to her knees and leaned, looking out the window to the couple that she'd indicated. "They look so out of place," she said with a little laugh. "But it's good they came, yeah? You being a witch isn't going to change when you get out of school and all that..." But she knew that Tai was at least a little happy about it, she could hear it in her tone. She sat back in her seat, settling down to maybe nap while they waited before Tai finally offered to do her homework for her. "You're the best, you know," she said as she sat up and pulled her stuff out of her trunk above her head. "I really mean it."