The crowd began to get angrier, Flints phone went off but right now he was not in a good position to read the message. "Your not even a police officer, just a hitman!" One of the people said and the rest of the crowd seemed to agree. As Yuki ran past the crowd a man stepped forward to grab her. Flint ran over and swiftly and effectively punched the man in the jaw. "Well now I've done it..." Flint muttered to himself as the rest of the crowd soon began to attempt to attack Flint. He dodged a few punches and began to fight back, blocking sluggish untrained blows and retaliated with a few professional ones. It was easy... at first. The crowd didn't seem to stop, there must have been ten people attempting to 'apprehend' him, and for each blow he blocked another would soon be on its way. His arms where hurting from the constant barrage and soon a few hits began to meet their mark. Flint tasted blood and gritted his teeth, quickly pushing off the wall behind him to make some room and removing his handgun from his Jacket, He fired two shots into the air and people began to scream. He could already see people getting to their phones so he knew it was time to leave. As the others fled he also did, running into the back alleys to avoid people. His vision was blurry as his eyes watered, the taste of blood didn't help either and he had a pain in his stomach. He stopped running after a few minutes, panting and spitting blood. Despite what he thought, he wasn't indestructible after all. He sat down and began to rest, caressing his arms as they stung. His adrenaline wearing off and the full pain hitting him.