[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/fDONg2O.png?1[/IMG] [b][i]"Venny you better be good, at this camp, if I hear you blew something up, or destroyed something, on purpose, I'll kick your ass."[/i] Venny was in the car with his mother, driving to, Camp Half-Blood. What kind of idiot named this camp? Venny wasn't having a great time, at learning who his real father was, The Great God Of War Ares. Venny was half listening to his mother, and playing with his enchanted necklace, that turned into a sword when Venny wanted it to. That was the only cool thing about this whole father being a god, and having to go to camp for gods' and goddesses' bastard kids. [i]"I heard you already, I won't...I promise."[/i] Venny's mother just sighed, knowing that Venny was lying. He just liked to cause trouble, and be in charge. He gets it from his father, he guesses. His mother got to the forest edge, [i]"Ok this is where I have to go, and please...try to be good."[/i] Venny's mother hugged him, Venny got out the car, grabbed his bags and went towards the camp. When he got there, he saw a couple of other people near the front office. He walked over to where they were. He was welcomed, sort of by, some goth looking chick. She said she was Erin Chase,daughter of Hades. She looked like that would be her father, Venny started to laugh. She kept talking about different things, he didn't care about them, until he heard her say, [i]"...Oh, the training arena is where you'll most likely find Ares kids..."[/i]That is where Venny would be, all the time. She walked away, but a few minutes later, she came back out, even madder then before. Then some guy came out with, a bandage arm. She asked if anyone had any questions, [i]"Yeah I do, I'm Venice Gorga, or Venny son of Ares...I guess, what is wrong with that dude's arm, to much jerking off to alien and fairy posters?!"[/i] Venny started to laugh, other kids started to laugh too, ok I think I can hang with some of these people, he noticed that a girl, was calling out Erin. [i]“Yeah, what’s your problem? I didn't ask for a tour, I didn't even ask to come here, so why let us waste your time?”[/i] Venny thought she was funny, she kinda acted like him, I guess jerkiness ran in the Ares bloodline. [/b][/center]