[quote=Batman] Name: Fish and PingAge: unknown for bothGender: Male, ambiguous female voice-Race: Unknown fishman, sentient robotAppearance: History: Fish was born on planet fr out of our solar system where normal babies were experimented on for a solar war. Ping was the first of a race of sentient robots made for war. She was defective but kept at a testing facility for the winner of a 'tournament' being held in 9 years time. Fish was one of the babies being experimented on. He was ripped from his mothers teat and shoved into a cold container to be injected with sharp syringes and subjected to cruel experiments. The experiments turned him green and fishlike, while the injections granted him the ability of gills and fishlike abilities. He was trained constantly under harsh conditions. To be the best with weaponry and his section of magic. It was all for cruel game. He never knew what fun was, he had never experienced it. Soon enough the tournament had started, each participant was assigned a service robot. There was a mixup though and Fish was assigned a defective, Ping. At first the tournament was difficult and it seemed like victory was just a hallucination but somehow Fish and Ping pulled through. It may have been the adrenalin of the pain and woods or it may have been the roar of the crowd. Neither of them thought about it too much they were more focused on the killing. In between matches they got to know each other more and more forming a bond that couldn't be broken. Soon enough though, things got bad. Ping had overhead that the head of testing was preparing an off shuttle transport because of the planets impending implosion.Ping told Fish and they devised a strategy. They blasted their way through the walls of the arena and escaped through the facility, killing numerous workers and the head of testing on the way. As the rocket took off the planet prematurely began to explode. They were lucky that they had took off early, the other evacuation ships weren't so lucky. The knock from the implosion knocked Fish out and gave him severe memory loss. He forgot most of what had happened to him in his life, with fragments returning over the years. Ping explained what had happened to them both and over time they formed the same bond as before. It was 17 years before they reached the shatterzone and opted places on a human ship.Equipment: Fish:Two semi-automtic pistols, a shotgun, a guitar.Ping:Various rifles lthough not all are always with herMagical Knowledge: Fish:Fish knows a great deal of water spells. Most of them either involve ice or water itself but the odd one involves snow.Ping:NoneSkills: Fish: Fish is essentially a fish and can breathe and swim underwater as well as any fish can. He is also trained in the use of most bullet based wepaonry and knives. Along with this he can play the guitar.Ping: Ping can communicate with other robots even if it is just a toaster. She is also trained in the use of weapons more so than Fish.Optional: [/quote] Done