Elliot munched on his meal. His eyes looking around curiously as he did. So many faces, so many known and so many mysteries. He saw the two not far down the way. Kiba? He thought that's what their name was. He wasn't completely sure, they barely spoke after all...Not far next to him was...Uh. Okay he blanked on their name. Something with an "O" he thought though... He tossed up trying to go and start some conversation, Elliot was feeling a little left out after all... Just as he was to pick up his paper plate and head over a shadow eclipsed him. Looking up to see a winged figure soaring down towards him. He shoved a couple plates that weren't currently being watched and watched with a large grin as the boy hit the table. A stray feather flew by his face, taking note to not let it spoil his food he looked up to it's previous owner. "Couple opens spots." He said with his mouth a bit hushed. It was rude to speak while your mouth was full... "Two right over there." He said after swallowing his chew, gesturing with the plate to two spots directly across from the others he had recognized. Maybe he could start a little conversation. It would do just fine until he found his friend. Not that he couldn't guess where he was, a certain tree somewhere was probably more full than usual. "Shall we?" Elliot smiled as he stood to change his spot.