To anyone who would be watching the Vagabond walk down the city streets would have noticed he walked with a limp. The orb that usually topped his staff was hidden from plain view. Anyone knowledgeable of relics would know right away that either the staff or the orb were a dangerous power. But with the orb hidden, and the gold covered in tightly bound cloth, the staff merely seemed to be a waling stick. With the Vagabonds limp it required no effort to convince people of such things. The vagabond carefully weaved through the crowds of people preparing for the Coronation. He was not one for parties, he came here for a very specific reason. If he remembered correctly, the holy order did not take kindly to evokers. Lucky for him, he didn't either. As he approached the Church, he carefully thought out his plan of attack. If the chruch refused to assist him, he would have to take more drastic measures. He had managed to develop discreet connections in the city, and he would not be afraid to use them. But the chruch provided the fanatical devotion that he required for his journey. The vagabond entered the church, subtly emphasizing his limp before sitting down in one of the pews. He stopped a Church worker who passed by him, standing up slowly to look him in the eye. "I wish for you to bring me the highest available authority on the status of evokers whithen the church. Can you do that?" He sent the boy on his way, kneeling down to pray.