[quote=Whirlwind] Zeth deals with student discipline [/quote] Sorry I usually check once a day, until we start. This would be fine for me, with a school with magical power, massive strengths, with underage students that we are teaching to kill. I'm sure there will be some that will be out of control students. Also if you want I can take on a role of emotional training. When a full grown man kills someone, there is fierce mental drain. With underdeveloped people it will be even more intense, at the school we should have someone who trains them to "hold their guts" or to control their emotions even the worst of times. (Maybe less of a class and more of a counseling?) I will take up both these roles if that is alright. Someone who can hold is temper for both an emotional trainer and disciplinary. Sorry if this was confusing, what do you guys think?