[quote=Dipper]Wizards are a group of people exactly like Christian Weston Chandler - A group of asspie virgins who wallow in self pity and basement dwelling, complining about how no one wants to fuck them. What would you expect from them?At the same time, no one would dare say anything about a group of fat autistic losers who live with their parents and leech off of society if they were female, because you'd be called sexist. So I see the Wizards as an easy target. VERY easy target.[/quote] I'm not surprised they were called out at all, they are a very easy target. Both in regards to it'd be rather easy to make them snap, and they are actually doing things that would be fair grounds to call them sexist over. I was really just saying their fight with Quinn was more two evil's fighting each other. I care a good amount about how Quinn is hurting people's freedom of speech, and hurting the game industry in general, I don't care so much about how she's pissing off a community of sexists. [quote=Kaga]-Trigger having been triggered-[/quote] Speaking as someone with Autism, I knew exactly what Dipper meant and did not take any offense to it.