[b]Faris[/b] [b]"Doesn't matter to me, I've finished two of these bastards and [i]not[/i] finished two sentences. I guess that shows that I'm not suited for diplomacy or whatever my father calls it."[/b] Faris gave a final shudder, attempting to clear the last of the magic from her system as she responded to Barst, her words sadistic and callous. [b]"We should hurry, it sounds like they're finishing up and I don't wanna not be able to give back some more pain to those bandit bastards."[/b] The mercenary grimaced, savagely showing her teeth. [b]"I gotta cut them for that embarrassment of a fight in the alleyway."[/b] She followed the pegasus archer as her expression faded to one of dour resentment, barely batting an eyelid at the sound of heavy feet approaching from the next alley over, running desperately away from the sound of screaming that had rent the night air. She gave another smirk as she readied her blade, winding up and positioning herself at the mouth of the next alley. [b]"Look like they don't need our help after all, huh?"[/b] With a grunt of exertion, she delivered a two handed horizontal strike at eye-level, impacting the terrified bandit's skull as he ran directly into the impromptu ambush. The heavy iron blade barely shuddered as it cleaved directly through the bone, tearing the top of the unfortunate man's head off with a spray of gore that coated the already soaked blade. --- [b]Rapidly Expiring Berserker and his Jolly Gents-Duraid[/b] Despite the obviously powerful blows of the traitorous general, the fire that burned in the captain's eyes never died as he screamed in rage and pain through the clotted blood and saliva. Hulking fingers scraped against Alice's armor, finding a grip as they dove for her unarmored head and poked for her eyes and nose, grabbing and yanking whatever loose item of clothing or hair he could find. Then came the spear. With a will that burned even through his now certain death, the bandit threw himself forward even further, dragging the blade through his neck with a spray of highly pressurized arterial fluid, forcing the entire shaft of the speak to miss his spinal cord as he reached for Alice's exposed neck with a death-grip that not even his now dying brain could break. Behind him loomed the terrifyingly silent visage of the mercenary commander, who finally drove the massive steel axe into the berserker's back, recoiling in surprise as the iron-hard flesh refused to give to the mortal blow that would have cleaved a lesser man in twain. Elsewhere, the remaining few bandits began to beat a hasty retreat, flowing toward the entrance of the village with the mind of escaping rats.