Rachel awoke that day, bright and early as always. Today was her second day at Londro academy. The previous day had been the opening ceremony, it had passed fairly uneventfully. She'd have to get used to seeing a bunch of people with wings, fangs, tails, and other such things. But it didn't bother her too much. After all, that was why she was here. After she got up, got dressed, and finished all of her morning affairs she set out from the dorms. Apparently the second day was used for all the students to gather together and mingle with one another, not a terrible idea she thought. Rachel stepped out into the main courtyard, sounds and smells flooding her senses. It was quite a lot to take in. Various food stalls making and selling food, other sellers making money off the thriving crowds of students. People were meeting up again, and for the first time. It brought a smile to her face. [i]Well, guess the place can't be too bad.[/i] She thought cheerfully. Looking over, Rachel noticed a nearby table of students. She watched as another winged student dived onto the table. Well they look fun, she thought as she approached the table with a smirk. "Hey, there a free spot over here?" She called to the group congregated at the table.