Andrew gave a wary glance from around the corner of the building, looking for any sign of his uncle out in the school courtyard. He had managed to avoid the man for the last day or so, using the fact that Uncle Lionel actually had a job as a teacher here in order to move get around from place to place, and hiding in places he wouldn't think of. The magic lessons Andrew's uncle had been giving him were slowly getting worse and worse. As the lessons designed for beginners did little to help Andrew further his magical talent over the past year, his uncle seemed convinced that putting Andrew under pressure would help 'unlock his hidden potential' or something like that. 'Putting him under pressure', seemed to involve throwing him into life threatening situations, which is something he'd like avoid if at all possible. Honestly, Andrew had no idea why Uncle Lionel didn't just give up on him. He figured that it was possibly because Lionel hated being wrong, couldn't bear to believe that Andrew wasn't going to be the next super-mega-wizard-archmage, or whatever the hell the man seemed to think he had the magical talent for, but that was all just guesswork on Andrew's part. Seeing that the way was all clear, Andrew gave a quiet sigh of relief and began to make his way off campus. Of course, the familiar voice of his uncle calling out from off to the side showed that it was, in fact, not clear at all. "And just where do you think you're going, young man?" Andrew cringed, and turned around slowly to face Lionel. If he had to describe Lionel in only a few words, they'd be 'stereotypical fantasy wizard', if a stereotypical fantasy wizard liked to wear a gray suit instead of a robe and pointed wizard's hat. With a long mane of silver hair that really didn't look like something that someone with whitening hair should be growing, and a wispy beard to match, if you threw Lionel into a bathrobe, he might've been easily mistaken for Gandalf the Grey. Hell, Andrew wasn't actually too sure how old Uncle Lionel was, but last he heard, the man shouldn't have been old enough to have just about every hair on his body be white. Maybe he dyed it or something. Andrew wouldn't put it past the man. He gave a sigh, and greeted Lionel. "Heeeeey there, uncle... I'm, just uh... You know... Headed to my college class? They started a while back, remember?" "College?" was the curt and eloquent response his uncle gave back, paired with a bit of a blank and confused look on his face. "Yea... You know... College? A place of higher learning? That thing I've been going to ever since I got out of high school for like, a year now?" Andrew asked back, unbelieving that the man could not know what college was. "Ohhh, right! That thing!" Lionel said, quickly dismissing the topic. "Ahhh, forget about that! We have things to teach you!" "No, no, no, no, look I gotta make it to class and-" "Alright, that's enough out of you, Andrew!" Lionel quickly says, cutting him off. Then with a wave of his hands, Andrew soon found himself slowly slipping off the ground, floating up a few feet. "Come on! We've got magic to do!" Lionel cried out as he walked off back towards the main school building. Andrew tried to struggle, 'tried' being the keyword, flailing his limbs as he slowly floated along behind him. In desperation, he pulled out his staff, expanding it to its full length and stabbing it into the ground, hoping to root himself there, though all he ended up doing was dig up the dirty and grass in a line behind him. "Dammit, uncle! I have a test today!" "Damn right, you do!" Andrew's uncle said triumphantly, uncaring about Andrew's plight. "Today, we're seeing how much you remember about defensive spells! Come on, I've got a whole range set up for us today! The students'll be testing out their aim, and you're the target!"