Laney tried not to roll her eyes as Lucy not-so-casually mentioned that she had been 'fucked up' with James. Seriously? James still was hangin' with high schoolers? As if Laney wanted to even recap her relationship with him at this rate. She was about to make a catty reply and inquire more until the principal grabbed the attention of the student body. The student vocals came to a quite murmur before the principal began speaking. Ethan, another cursed name on her List, spoke up, insulting . . . whatever he was trying to insult. She was surprised none of the faculty got mad at him. Geez, if there was any crime around here it was lack of authoritative figures. But really, in reality, for all that it was worth, Laney might as well have gotten away with murder without anyone even suspecting it was her. She mumbled something like that under her breath, unsure if Lucy heard or not. A loud smack was heard, interrupting Laney's mutter, anyway. Who cared if Lucy heard what she had said, anyways? She tried to see from where the noise came when someone burst through the doors shouting about someone getting shot. "Speak of the devil," Laney said, a small excitement was heard in her voice before a sudden panic leered over her, should she run? Did someone have a gun? Was there a crazy person with a killer weapon just gunning down students? She was way to pretty to die, and fuck, not inside a school. She stood up and looked at Lucy straight in the eyes, slight fear and mischievous in her eyes, "You wanna get out of here?" There was slight panic in her voice, but Laney sure as hell was not going to stick around where there was potential for her being gun-shot.