Hide sat idly by in a far corner seat with a large glass of warm orange juice, watching the normal humans quickly finish what they were doing before they made their leave. It wasn't hard to tell, only those that remained were not of the regular sorts. Marked ones, Seers. Hunters. It seemed he had arrived in town at just the right time, Grannie Ravenwood was getting the meeting started. Though a bit tired from his travels still, he was more curious if this discussion had anything to do with the recent worry of the vampire nest moving. And that alone was enough cause for Hide to move on over to the other table. That and, if Grannie Ravenwood was ushering everyone over, it would be rude not to. Swiftly he takes a small sip from his large, still nearly full glass of orange juice. He slides himself from out of his chair and grabs his single-strap backpack and tugs it back over his head before grabbing his large glass of orange juice and making his way over to the table in silent, steady strides. Though instead of merely trying to find a seat at the table, he stopped at different one and grabbed one of the chairs and dragged it over. He placed it a few feet from the table and sat down with his drink, so he could be 'in' the conversation but not directly at the table. It was not that he minded people being close, but with how chilly his hands were, he was sure the rest of him was a bit frigid as well, even with his thick jacket on, he was sure someone else would mind. He was use to being cold and it wasn't entirely uncommon for him to always be wearing a jacket or long sleeves, even during the summer months. Hide lightly bounced his left foot against his chair while he sipped from his glass silently, merely waiting. He saw no need to go blurting anything out at the moment, this discussion could be a number of things. He felt no reason to rush, he still had to finish his glass of orange juice, after all.