"Nothing here," called a voice from the second floor. "There's no sign of a relic or Evoker tally either." Within the abode, a handful of Constabulary Guards rummaged though drawers and chests, momentarily examining each item within and casting them aside, apparently unsatisfied with what they had found. They skimmed through the pages of books and unfurled scrolls, looking on with a grim intent. At the center of the hubbub, Captain Itani Ronah directed her men, arms crossed impatiently over her chest. "Keep looking! The late king sought his council for good reason. I [i]know[/i] he has records." The resident of the home, Artemis Destarte, had been a trusted source of information to the late king; although the subject of his counsel was a secret shared between the two. Faced with pressure from the Church and a rise in relic-related incidents, the Constabulary had issued a warrant to search Artemis's residence for signs of information pertaining to relics, or even traces of relic use by the scholar. "Captain! The scholar!" One of the Constabulary Guard had peered out the window as Artemis was returning from the palace. Dropping what was in their hands, the troupe of Guardsmen raced to the door, Itani at their head. "Artemis Destarte! By order of the Constabulary, your home is under search by warrant for information pertaining to Evokers and relic usage. We ask your full cooperation with our investigation. This matter is of the utmost importance to the Constabulary and the Othean Throne."