'stand your ground reinforcements should arrive soo AHH' jutons squad leader yells out then gets pounced on bye a infected person a group of people in redcoat uniforms are all desperately trying to fight off a horde of infecteds with nothing but muskets in a marsh juton slams his musket into the face of an infected 'its hopeless there is too many!' juton yells out 'reinforcements won't arrive in time!' juton yells out then looks to his right a person is getting mauled by a infected juton aims his musket at the evil creature and fires creature falls down dead but hes too late the person he tried to save is already torn to pieces [thats the fifth casualty today! theres only 3 of us left!] juton thought then noticed then the other 3 members where already dead 'oh crap! joio,aidiakan,barus everyones dead!' juton thought as he walked backwards onto a wall and stared at the horde of infected coming 'come at me you idiots!' he screamed at the infecteds and ran forward with his musket pointing forward right for there heads then all of a sudden a portal appears right in front of juton! 'what the?' juton thinks he feels like he is falling no floating then he hits the ground with a thud then passes out juton opens his eyes and sees that he is lying down in the middle of a sidewalk 'wah? where am i?' juton thinks and looks around everything looks new and different more complex like moving boxes of steel [cars] and giantic houses [skyscrapers] and looked around to see everyone looks different they have white skin and more plain clothes [humans] 'i am not at brotania anymore [the city juton was in before he went into the portal] he sees a person wearing really weird looking clothing [axeka] he waved to the weird human and said 'hey what is this place?' to the weird person he saw her run into a building and he ran after her