[Center]HOMESTEAD [IMG]http://caspersauction.com/images/Old%20Farmhouse.JPG[/IMG] [B][U]The Beginning of the Uncertain Future[/U][/B][/Center] Karen sat at a salvaged desk in her little makeshift Hospital at the Homestead thinking about her and everyone else's future. She like all those assembled had heard the message from the Evergreen community of Canada saying that they were a town of over 5,000 people and a safe haven for any who could live in harmony. They needed all sorts of people with any type of. Skills for Evergreen was going to be the best hope of mankind. Their message was one of hope which appealed to anyone who might be listening. Karen as a Doctor knew that DNA was a tricky thing in a low population and most experts agreed that to prevent genetic trouble in the future that you needed at least a base population of 6 to 10 thousand. Evergreen's recruitment was most likely stirred by this concern. Then there was the herd mentality of safety in numbers. With a large population they could fend of marauders an walkers alike. It all sounded like a wonderful idea till you balanced it with the idea that the animals of humanity might see it as an opportunity, not to strike Evergreen but to lay in wait along routes which those fleeing to a better life. Like the crocodiles that waited at river crossings in Africa for the great migrations. Yes Evergreen sounded wonderful but it would need clever thought to make it there safely. While she was engrossed in thought one of Homestead's elders entered the Hospital and took one of the two chairs Karen kept near her desk. [B]"Evening Doctor White I hope ya don't mind my stopping by?"[/B] says the old man [B]"Not at all Elder Jenkins, please feel free to drop in anytime."[/B] Karen answers back [B]Well I suppose you know why I stopped by Doctor"[/B] he says with a gentle smile [B]"To try and convince me to stay on, I know and believe me I understand but as I said I think Homestead is the best place I've stayed since this all started but the raids not to mention the walkers are getting closer every day.[/B] she says as she reaches out an takes the old farmer's hands in her own. [B]"I know Doctor but we old people are just too tired of running and you've got to admit making the journey will be a lot more dangerous"[/B] counters Mr. Jenkins [B]"Unfortunately that seems the case in these times we now find ourselves in. In a larger population we'd have a better chance of making a future and I think I have a plan to make our trip safer".[/B] she says squeezing his hands [B]"We have forty head of horses here and nearly two hundred cattle We can use the horses as mounts and some of the more docile cows as Pack animals just like our forefathers did. If we kept away from roads and towns we'd be harder to spot and on the open prairie we could see potential trouble before it gets to us.[/B] she says as she begins explaining her plan of escape Mr. Jenkins listens to her idea and then counters with Homesteads Spider community which was the brain child of two former Vietnam vets. Modeled on the subterranean designs of their former enemies they hope to be able to head under ground at the first sign of trouble. The construction of these earth warren had been under way for nearly a year now and were to say the least impressive and extensive. Karen told Mr. Jenkins she would give him her decision in two weeks at the latest of whether to stay or go. Mr. Jenkins bid her farewell and headed back to the main house of the compound leaving her alone once more to pour over her maps.